hi girls!
as a man i love girls
as a photographer i love confidence, and the art of teasing
as a christian i love the female body as "the pride of the pride of creation"
all together: learn how to use your weapons by not showing them!
i like SG, and i love watching sets everyday. some have great ideas, some have marvelous bodies. many understand how to bind a man and make him wonder if they are real, and others are plain and simply cute, and make me want to hug them forever!
no matter what, i'm very often disappointed in my expectations of the teasing part! when a girl, no matter what she looks like shows off her breasts before the first ten pictures i am often disappointed. i know it's easy, and i know every man likes them. but isn't this exactly what makes you a woman? this site is about showing off your body, and making your body your weapon in order to get what you want? isn't that even the fun part about it? if SuicideGirls are about showing haw creativity, personality and intelligence are not incompatible with sexy, compelling entertainment, then not every girls lives by that idea.

the beauty about selling photos is that you don't have to sell your real body. you can do and you can be whatever you want to do or be. it's phantasy, mixed up with your real personality. it's easy to show off. especially if you're pretty! and you are pretty, for many men or for few men. what's hard is to own the timing. to get yourself in a state of true self-acceptance and 100%-female power, ready to blow off a mans mind. and you know exactly that you don't blow off a man's mind by giving him what he wants, but by making him believe he COULD get what he wants. maybe... a little bit...
the rules say 40-60 photos, right? let's say you have 50 pictures and are already topless within the first 10 (many are) that's 80% breasts! that's only 20% of letting a guy wait for possibly the best part to see in a girl. and many, many times the privates follow right away ...
i challenge every hopeful, but also every suicidegirl to tease! to increase the "waiting" up to over 50%. i don't insure more clicks though. but i ensure that you force yourselves into being more creative! and help yourselves not to get bored of what you do ... in long terms, this has more value than any other tricks to make people buy your photo. because inner beauty, self-esteem and knowledge of yourselves is greater than money, fame and perfection!
and it's soooooooo sexy!
as a man i love girls
as a photographer i love confidence, and the art of teasing
as a christian i love the female body as "the pride of the pride of creation"
all together: learn how to use your weapons by not showing them!

i like SG, and i love watching sets everyday. some have great ideas, some have marvelous bodies. many understand how to bind a man and make him wonder if they are real, and others are plain and simply cute, and make me want to hug them forever!
no matter what, i'm very often disappointed in my expectations of the teasing part! when a girl, no matter what she looks like shows off her breasts before the first ten pictures i am often disappointed. i know it's easy, and i know every man likes them. but isn't this exactly what makes you a woman? this site is about showing off your body, and making your body your weapon in order to get what you want? isn't that even the fun part about it? if SuicideGirls are about showing haw creativity, personality and intelligence are not incompatible with sexy, compelling entertainment, then not every girls lives by that idea.

the beauty about selling photos is that you don't have to sell your real body. you can do and you can be whatever you want to do or be. it's phantasy, mixed up with your real personality. it's easy to show off. especially if you're pretty! and you are pretty, for many men or for few men. what's hard is to own the timing. to get yourself in a state of true self-acceptance and 100%-female power, ready to blow off a mans mind. and you know exactly that you don't blow off a man's mind by giving him what he wants, but by making him believe he COULD get what he wants. maybe... a little bit...
the rules say 40-60 photos, right? let's say you have 50 pictures and are already topless within the first 10 (many are) that's 80% breasts! that's only 20% of letting a guy wait for possibly the best part to see in a girl. and many, many times the privates follow right away ...
i challenge every hopeful, but also every suicidegirl to tease! to increase the "waiting" up to over 50%. i don't insure more clicks though. but i ensure that you force yourselves into being more creative! and help yourselves not to get bored of what you do ... in long terms, this has more value than any other tricks to make people buy your photo. because inner beauty, self-esteem and knowledge of yourselves is greater than money, fame and perfection!
and it's soooooooo sexy!
It's really refreshing for a guy to say that.