Hey guys. doing a different blog :) for me and also another people going through the same haha :D @missy @rambo thanks for putting my last blog on the homepage!
As I told you a couple of times already (haha) I am going to Paris shotfest organised by @gladyce in June, I am just NOW organising everything cause I had a lot of problems getting the money to go. Anyways I would love a blog with some feedback on travels! I've done it over my patreon too :)
Also if you are a Suicide and wanna join the shotfest, Gladyce had some cancellations so yey! shot a hi!
Just any tip would be welcome!
My trip will be super quickly sadly.
June 8 I will get on london. I will have until june 13 to just be a tourist. June 13 probably night I will go from london to france le grande paroise by train and stay june 13 until june 19 there shoting for suicide girls with all the amazing girls and photographers. Then from june 20 until only june 23 very early in the morning I will stay in paris and head up to london at 11 morning to catch my flight back! :(
This will be my first SG shotfest and first time going outside Brazil.
Would like also to say I am putting a little bit of this set unedited over my patreon (not for download of course) so they can help me choose which pics to send here :) wanna help? Its my first solo cosplay.