Finally a homework I will be damned embarassed FOREVER haha! And no i don't have pictures because I am old as dirty.
Thanks @rambo @lyxzen and @missy
Finally laugh laugh and more laugh!
And finally you guys will know my not so secret stuff: I am a giant nerd.
I have more nerdiness in me than other stuff like water and organs.
1- First of I am a "real" nerd.
I've got computer science degree.
Also Advertising.
Yes. I have 2 degrees. And they are both usable and very nerd. Yes, I do make programs. And yes I DAMN LOVE COBOL. YES!
More than that: I am a LINUX PSYCHO. Fuck the hell yeah. Yes, I've compiled Gentoo from 0. Yes, I use GIMP to do my Photoshop stuff because fuck the hell yeah linux.
Boooh Applefag (sorry is stronger than me).
Not that other people aren't "real nerds" but all this nerd culture going on, pff.... that's not nerd until you scream with another 934847 dudes about how much better linux is.
2- I am a series/tv show nerd.
No, I am not talking about damn Game of Thrones (which I do watch).
I am talking about JOSS WHEDON SHOWS. hahaha.
I am talking about It crowd, I am talking about Mr. Robot, Black mirror, True blood and Alan Ball shows. I am talking about having secret tumblrs where I ramble about feminism in Joss Whedon culture, Nerdiness in Mr. Robot and stuff like that. Where I do type texts with more than 3 pages about how fucking awesome and accurate a scene is. I don't usually watch normal TV, and don't watch brazilian TV in more than 16 years.
I am rewatching Buffy by the way and having ALL THE FEELS. I am probably gonna get a Buffy tattoo soon.
3- Also the "normal" nerd. Lord of the rings fan, Marvel fan, Harry Potter fan....
Those kind of things.
But of fucking course Matrix is just... Better than everything.
One of my dreams is to go to a Comic Con, Brazil now has one but It's so damn bleh.
Me being a fucking hot nerd.
About the second Homework.
My first concert...Oh man. I had 15 years old, it was Hellacopters, Sepultura (brazil, mind you :)) and DEEP PURPLE (IT WASNT COVERDALE BUT WHAT CAN I GIRL DO?).
I've seen so many awesome shows til now. September I will finally see my love Marilyn Manson.
Vanessa, VanP, Nwalmn... as Manson.
A question now, are any of you on mygirlfund? I am doing my profile this week there :)