Just a heads up to share that now I've finally found a good place to print my pictures. This good feelas are going to @jacinto2 and another fan that bought on my Etsy Store.
Of course, signed, with a letter. And actually with anything you want together. I hope they enjoy my images <3
I also got this fine Star Wars print from @jacinto2 as my bday present. You are the best human being to ever being human <3 I loved it, it goes totally well with my little cave/basement/place/ship. hahaha.
I totally forgot you sent me this, so in a few days got here and it came on a giant tube and I was "oh my god who sent me drugs?"
Thanks love
And hee it goes a couple pictures more from this upcoming set. Is not going to be here on SG, sadly. But in 2 weeks maybe I will do more 2 (TWO!) SG sets and with 2 amazing photographers. I hope so at least @yoguealencar which you probably all already know.