she is at the end chasing her own fading light.....
I'd paint your hair crimson red. And your eyes blue instead. If I could I'd draw a heart for you. Fix it in between the essence of my hands
Someone go for help, she's not getting up. The cardboard spine has buckled
under the extension of her wings. It took my breath away. She fell for years
into this haven of infection. These hospital policies are burning my eyes.
Her swan dive antics will be the end of me. I can't save her as she falls in
love with disaster. She says these accidents will happen, but there's no
escape from the reaching...
being able to hear music is what keeps me alive,
Hmm thoughts....I said that name and skipped a heartbeat.
I said it with a second chance and a forgetful smile.
I said it with a faint glimmer of suicide.
I taste my wreckage in our conversations deep under the faint hums
of far gone engines.
With all signal flares blazing we lay somewhere inbetween
the smeale of yellow lines
and a year of empty promises.
I long for the grant of wings.
I long for the dead of night when all of this passes.
You never meant those three words.
Now I can't remember how to set my heart alight.
You never meant a word.
Not a fucking word of it.
I am so sick of goodbyes.
So sick of committing suicide.
I am so sick of the in between, now and then
One drop for every callous ending and one drop for every ungranted wish.
Spare me the day when I discover a new found low.
My mind is cynical. Love it or take it.
Im in search or understanding worth while friends.
I have found me.
what good is this ending when we're just fighting all the time
I'd paint your hair crimson red. And your eyes blue instead. If I could I'd draw a heart for you. Fix it in between the essence of my hands
Someone go for help, she's not getting up. The cardboard spine has buckled
under the extension of her wings. It took my breath away. She fell for years
into this haven of infection. These hospital policies are burning my eyes.
Her swan dive antics will be the end of me. I can't save her as she falls in
love with disaster. She says these accidents will happen, but there's no
escape from the reaching...
being able to hear music is what keeps me alive,
Hmm thoughts....I said that name and skipped a heartbeat.
I said it with a second chance and a forgetful smile.
I said it with a faint glimmer of suicide.
I taste my wreckage in our conversations deep under the faint hums
of far gone engines.
With all signal flares blazing we lay somewhere inbetween
the smeale of yellow lines
and a year of empty promises.
I long for the grant of wings.
I long for the dead of night when all of this passes.
You never meant those three words.
Now I can't remember how to set my heart alight.
You never meant a word.
Not a fucking word of it.
I am so sick of goodbyes.
So sick of committing suicide.
I am so sick of the in between, now and then
One drop for every callous ending and one drop for every ungranted wish.
Spare me the day when I discover a new found low.
My mind is cynical. Love it or take it.
Im in search or understanding worth while friends.
I have found me.
what good is this ending when we're just fighting all the time

I hope you dont mine but I'm gonna print your "kisses" pic and put it in a frame........your a doll

Well I'm not actually going to print it and put it in a frame sorta speak....just a metaphor's a pretty picture and it makes me feel a littlw tingely inside