Well I havent updated in a awhile, Im moveing again. Im leaving Mercies. Im going to be finishing up my cpmunity college. then going to Towson so I can get my 5 master degress! yeah Im a school DOrk. Allen and I are getting a place, it should be in August. the place is so pretty and the area is to die for. Im so... Read More
well my weekend has been awesome. I was with my Allen. OMG he makes me so happy, you all have no idea. he completes my heart.. anyways Im doing okies about Chi Chi thank you to everyone that sent me some condoleneces. but Allen and I are going to get another and make it ours, so that will be good for me. Nothing much more... Read More
Good to hear, I can totally relate to that. My girlfriend makes me feel like a god, and I make her feel like a goddess. It's only right. It is the way that things should be for everyone. I feel bad for people who have'nt found a soul to save themselfs. It always makes me happy to hear these things. It lets me know that our race is still doing alright.
okies so I keep getting all thse comments about the sg shoot. well guys I have been accepted for 8 motnhs now and Im NOT doing it simply because Im in college and have a career to think about and it would be very disrespectuful for me to post nude while I have a bf....I belive he is the only one that should see me... Read More
sweet! I love's me some red and black hair. that was what mine was like two months ago. I still haven't cut it since than and actually now that I think about it may have been four months ago wow time sure flies! hope things are great in your neck of the woods feel free to leave me msg's Ill be sure to get back to them.
so this weekend was awesome. I spent friday and sat with Allen. omg hes so great and he means the world to me. he has everything I ever wanted! i Miss him so right now. umm today I went and helped my Ami dye her hair. it came out hot! we took some pics and what not, that I will be posting when I get... Read More