Royal Resignation
My Lady
If you will excuse
This rude notice
Of my immediate
Self termination
Three days in Hell
Lord, could you expect
Anything more?
I served as Jester
To Queen of The Damned
Distracting the poor serfs
Disdainly kept
Juggling presentations
Of pain and manifestations
As she chooses a face
To suit the current manipulations
The more uproarous the laughter
The more dainty Her demeanor
As she mocks the empty joy
Of her faithful fools
My Lady I fall to my knees
As a single tear
Falls from my cheek
I bow out in honor
Consider this
My Royal Resignation
I turn to face
An expectant crowd
Desperate for a moment
To distract from thier damnation
I brace myself
For a sliver of steel
Aimed to back
My rejected resignation
"I'll be damned!" she said
As her fingers dripping red
The blood of a servant
Who would rather be dead.
My Lady
If you will excuse
This rude notice
Of my immediate
Self termination
Three days in Hell
Lord, could you expect
Anything more?
I served as Jester
To Queen of The Damned
Distracting the poor serfs
Disdainly kept
Juggling presentations
Of pain and manifestations
As she chooses a face
To suit the current manipulations
The more uproarous the laughter
The more dainty Her demeanor
As she mocks the empty joy
Of her faithful fools
My Lady I fall to my knees
As a single tear
Falls from my cheek
I bow out in honor
Consider this
My Royal Resignation
I turn to face
An expectant crowd
Desperate for a moment
To distract from thier damnation
I brace myself
For a sliver of steel
Aimed to back
My rejected resignation
"I'll be damned!" she said
As her fingers dripping red
The blood of a servant
Who would rather be dead.
Happy Birthday!