i hate my job. the fact that i need a job is starting not to matter much to me. i hate needing a job. but i do, so, i snap out of it eventually. and work a little harder on alternate plans. the future is a world that respects its artists! artistry is hard work people. it's not an excuse for not having a job,... Read More
i am on an anarchism kick. i am starting to realize i am more of an anarchist then i, well, realized! and there's so much awesome and inspiring info both here and out there.
Austin, TX. Sounds like heaven. Will probably take me a year to realistically get there though. And that's without visiting first. Somethings just feel right though.
LOVE IT! There is this great shop in London that I went to last year that this reminds me of. It was called Punk Glamour. Was awesome! I just stumbled upon your blog on here. : )