Feeling happy, feeling sad, wanting to mourn without being able to do, want to scream without getting out the word.
Not bad you feel good while .... that void that pain ....
How can we mourn people inside and smile at the same time?
What joy for the happiness of one is sometimes the sorrow of our soul?
I smile because I don't want anybody asking if sumthing is wrong that gets on my nerves. Plus I'm a private person when it comes to mourning and other pain, I'd rather talk to a stranger than family or real close friends. Ur welcome for the comment on ur set and I'm doing a lil better thank you
Thanks for liking my to follow my blog. I try to share my positive vibes so hopefully they come through. I am definitely enjoying the lovely Otono weather in California right now. Octubre through the end of deciembre is my favorite time of the year. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I love it. How is this time of year in Spain? Is this also considered the holiday season there?