Hello again people.
Thank you very much for your support and best wishes that you gave me that everything would go well with the photographer.
I have good news.
Definitely, I have that person help me with my next set, and perhaps some more.
The chemistry between us is huge, our ideas combine to perfection and we are like personally.
I have to thank life that has brought this special person in my path.
I never felt like this with anyone.
I am very happy.
I'll improve my English more time
Thanks for your patience hehe.
Kisses and good wishes.
Thank you very much for your support and best wishes that you gave me that everything would go well with the photographer.
I have good news.
Definitely, I have that person help me with my next set, and perhaps some more.
The chemistry between us is huge, our ideas combine to perfection and we are like personally.
I have to thank life that has brought this special person in my path.
I never felt like this with anyone.
I am very happy.
I'll improve my English more time

Thanks for your patience hehe.
Kisses and good wishes.
Mi semana es aburrido. Estoy cansado despus de un ajetreado sbado y domingo. Necesito ms horas de sueo. Quiero llamar a los enfermos el mircoles y beben el vino de la ciudad en vez de ir a trabajar.
El fin de semana est aqu pero no voy a descansar. Antes de que comiencen las clases debo tomar cerveza y la fiesta con los amigos.