Hello minority. I only say that cuz this blog contains information of no importance.
Any who I have noticed that I spend a lot of time on the net (especially suicidegirls.com ) but am rarely on my computer. How things have changed.
In the summer of '98, (yes I do belong to the geezer group) I was stationed in Korea. Nice place to visit but I woulden't want to live there. One day while riding the subway to or from Seoul i noticed one small passenger near by. There were two things I realized. One was that the little one was only about ten years old and I found it odd to see a child running about solo on a subway. Obiously I did not grow up around a great transit system. (Go Texas)
The second was this yound person was on a cell phone yet I could not have one. That was the dawn of a different age. (Again showing my expirience) When I returned to the US, not only had prince's 1999 song come of age but so had the time gone of not being reachable. Now there is no "sorry the lan lines are down so I couldn't be reached." My how things change. Now I write a blog that virtualy anyone in the world can read. All done on my little cell phone.
I also find it peculiar that no one born after 1985 has experienced new Coke. That's most of those in member review. '-'
Any who I have noticed that I spend a lot of time on the net (especially suicidegirls.com ) but am rarely on my computer. How things have changed.
In the summer of '98, (yes I do belong to the geezer group) I was stationed in Korea. Nice place to visit but I woulden't want to live there. One day while riding the subway to or from Seoul i noticed one small passenger near by. There were two things I realized. One was that the little one was only about ten years old and I found it odd to see a child running about solo on a subway. Obiously I did not grow up around a great transit system. (Go Texas)
The second was this yound person was on a cell phone yet I could not have one. That was the dawn of a different age. (Again showing my expirience) When I returned to the US, not only had prince's 1999 song come of age but so had the time gone of not being reachable. Now there is no "sorry the lan lines are down so I couldn't be reached." My how things change. Now I write a blog that virtualy anyone in the world can read. All done on my little cell phone.
I also find it peculiar that no one born after 1985 has experienced new Coke. That's most of those in member review. '-'
Awww, Thank You So Much! 

I love unicorns, too.