Hi there!
Wish you all a relaxing X-Mas time.
I hope everyone will have a good time with their lovely family and friends!
And yeeeees, also a happy new year for you all.
I hope for you, that all your wishes come true in the new year and you will have a good start into it :)
Read ya' all in thenext year ;)
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It was a awesome night and a really brutal gig of Bring Me The Horizon. I was really happy about it, that two of my best friends joined me in this night! :) we were really exhausted after we went back home ^^
Black Craft for ever :3
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Try it out :) makes fun ^^
So that's me as a Chibi
A little black stain on the earth :P
Strong Characters, with a dramatic Story like Quiet's! Awesome Gameplay and funny moments as well!
All my respect to Hideo Kojima!!
Can't wait for MGO to begin :DDDD Wuuuuuhaaaa! Fuck YEAH!!
It's a really good movie and the soundtracks are even better!
Ouh man that music :'( and the history behind that movie. It makes me totally sad right now!
Always the suffering to protect what we love, what we want to keep alive!
Keep all those heroes and victims in your mind, so they didn't died for nothing!
No matter what country or...
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Great Band, great show and a fucking great song :)
Now I have finished all armor sets for my character draft sheet!
What do you guys think? Which armor set should I take or maybe cross?
Comments are welcome, critiques as well :)
My Fav would be number 2, 5 (without the left arm, and a better haircut) and 6
Thx, Franky
Yeah, while I was on a other mission for the Austrian Army (Kosovo 2014), I promised a good girlfriend of mine, to surprise her with a super cool present for her birthday x) I had no better idea than to paint some cats as DC and Marvel Heros on a pair of original Vans shoes with some textile pens.
She really loved the shoes ^^...
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Some rough stuff :)
The results of my work will be posted later. Just some more Character Drafts for my samurai girl with her armor sets :P
Hi there Folks!
A little story from my past and a good friend of mine.
I was stationary for 1 year in Syria for a UN peacekeeper mission on the Golan Heights, 2011 - 12.
I was a Communication Center Operator for the Austrian Army, in the 2nd Company.
And someday I have found a little turtle on his back in the middle of...
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