Still doing the "Job thing" ...well I have done all the foot work, I check new jobs every night, send out all the resumes, and cover letters, so I am sure its just a matter of time. I have made a conscious decision not to fret; I mean we have no house note, no car note, just utility bills. So we will be fine on the $1200 a month I get guaranteed, plus I can sell computer stuff and consult for another 5 or 6 I can do that till the GOOD job comes along could be worse...but I am thinking of using my free time more productively. I am thinking about building a web server to host a few adult sites and teach smallelaine how to build web sites ....I used to do that for a living, why I cant do it for myself is kind of silly. AND I could build it by hand and run it from someone elses building (called co-locating) for just a few dollars a month. Even if it didnt make much it would be monthly income I dont have to actually WORK for ~sigh~ So much little motivation ~heheh~ I wish I was bi-polar sometimes ...just the manic part
I know I COULD deliver pizza's or dig ditches or WTFE. I know its good to be humble, and do what it takes to bring in money...but damn, what good is it to make money, if you can't spend it because you are laying on the couch, because your fucking back hurts too bad to get up ~heheh~ They can call me lazy, I just prefer to put my talents to better use, preferably somewhere air conditioned...
I know I COULD deliver pizza's or dig ditches or WTFE. I know its good to be humble, and do what it takes to bring in money...but damn, what good is it to make money, if you can't spend it because you are laying on the couch, because your fucking back hurts too bad to get up ~heheh~ They can call me lazy, I just prefer to put my talents to better use, preferably somewhere air conditioned...

Happy Turkey Day!
You sweet piece of ass you!

Not that you're not the one that took this picture and see this ass all the time, but here ya go anyway sweetie pie! I love you!