Why is it that the Daily Show is the least biased news program? Not that I'm complaining about the Daily Show just all the other ones.
Being an unemployed loser (job prospect in the works though! Yippee!!) I have become a news junky. It pisses me off when I see a conservative or liberal spin. Just tell me what the fuck is going on!
The Pirates of the Carribean DVD is really cool so far. The blooper reel is really funny.... There's a part where they put car chase sounds onto one of the ship battles. Plus its got three commentaries! (yea I watch those! does that add to my dorkyness?)
Now all I need to do is get FLCL on DVD. If you like Anime go check it out. It's one of the best I've ever seen!
I have a date with a beautiful woman this weekend! We're gonna go see the Last Samurai. I can't wait!
*blushes and waves* "Hi sweetie!"
talk to you people later!
your Gangsta name
I just found out that Tim Burton is planning a remake of Charley and the Chocolate Factory. I think myeviltwin will make the cutest Umpa Loompa ever!
Being an unemployed loser (job prospect in the works though! Yippee!!) I have become a news junky. It pisses me off when I see a conservative or liberal spin. Just tell me what the fuck is going on!
The Pirates of the Carribean DVD is really cool so far. The blooper reel is really funny.... There's a part where they put car chase sounds onto one of the ship battles. Plus its got three commentaries! (yea I watch those! does that add to my dorkyness?)
Now all I need to do is get FLCL on DVD. If you like Anime go check it out. It's one of the best I've ever seen!
I have a date with a beautiful woman this weekend! We're gonna go see the Last Samurai. I can't wait!
*blushes and waves* "Hi sweetie!"

talk to you people later!

I just found out that Tim Burton is planning a remake of Charley and the Chocolate Factory. I think myeviltwin will make the cutest Umpa Loompa ever!
A remake of Charlie and the Chocalate factory..... i better get my golden ticket hehehehehehhaaaaaa he he.......he get it?
[Edited on Dec 04, 2003 5:23AM]