My absolute favorite season because in Vegas, the party never stops.
I love being out in the sun, in a smoking hawt bikini, soaking up the rays.
So what is better than every casino throwing a pool party like a nightclub during the day..??
answer: NOTHING (giddy giddy)
Sipping on Long Island Iced Teas, best DJ's in the world, throwing beach balls at people on the pool..
ahhhhhhh now that is the life right there.
I just went to the grand opening of Ditch Fridays at the Palms Pool in an attire that could pay you rent
It was a blast but my favorite one is Rehab at the Hard Rock on Sundays. No explanation needed there with a name like that. The grand opening last week, two girls were carried out on stretchers while waiting in line yikes
The only annoying part is trying to make it to the bar and back without taking 1000,000 random photos with peoples cameras because of my ink. The first 30 times were fun, then that shit got old real fast. "Get a tatto you fucking pussies!"

My absolute favorite season because in Vegas, the party never stops.
I love being out in the sun, in a smoking hawt bikini, soaking up the rays.
So what is better than every casino throwing a pool party like a nightclub during the day..??
answer: NOTHING (giddy giddy)
Sipping on Long Island Iced Teas, best DJ's in the world, throwing beach balls at people on the pool..
ahhhhhhh now that is the life right there.
I just went to the grand opening of Ditch Fridays at the Palms Pool in an attire that could pay you rent

It was a blast but my favorite one is Rehab at the Hard Rock on Sundays. No explanation needed there with a name like that. The grand opening last week, two girls were carried out on stretchers while waiting in line yikes

The only annoying part is trying to make it to the bar and back without taking 1000,000 random photos with peoples cameras because of my ink. The first 30 times were fun, then that shit got old real fast. "Get a tatto you fucking pussies!"

I like it..... " I run the streets" We should hang when I come out there next
Looks like so much fun, cant wait to go!