I love laughing at 7 in the morning. Every time I wake up (on mon, wed, or fri that is) I go to penny-arcade and laugh my ass off. I don't know if its the fact that it is really early in the morning or that they have gotten very funny recently. It's probably a combination of both.
Todays comic is GOLD.
I havn't laughed that hard since like....monday for Christ sakes. I'm not sure if people remember, but this comic directly relates to todays. Both are equally funny.
On a sad note, I am getting depressed over how 98% of the time the Alt comics are only high-res versions of the original. What happened to all the subplots and side stories that flooded PA years ago?
Considering they draw and make all the comics on Sunday night and do nothing but play games (ok 'Gabe' does raise a new born son from time to time) the rest of the time, they could really make ONE alt comic that was different.

In other news...Bee...
[Edited on Aug 21, 2005 8:51PM]