Canada Elects the Best Dictators Since Hitler, No Contest. I think we can all agree that on a whole, Jean Chretien had more power and pull than any other Democratic leader in the world. NO, I do not mean he can do whatever he wants, I mean he could do whatever he wanted UNDER LIMITATION. That limitation being money. If the Canadian government had as much money as the US government (all debts aside) our Prime Minister could do MORE than Bush. Take October 16, 1970 for example. They actually got away with installing the War Measures Act (which predates World War 1 by the way). The War Measures Act gives sweeping powers to the Government. It also suspends the operation of the Canadian Bill of Rights.
AKA: All Canadians became Trudeau's MULES. For those of you who didn't bother to learn Canadas history (we were forced to learn the history of our own country and at least 4 -15 others depending on a persons level of education, however YOU probably only studied your own country unless you are a fellow Canadian or a member or the past British Protectorate.), Trudeau was our very controversial Prime Minister at the time.
Good luck trying to install that anywhere else...they wouldn't get away with it. The last time anything like that happened was when Hitler was in power in Germany.
Considering Westerners Voteing:
I'm surprised anyone out here in the West even bothered voteing.
Ahh, the Canadian government...they declare the new political leader before our votes are even submitted.
I hope all you other Westerners feel proud about wasteing an hour of your life on voteing.
Wouldn't it be funny if somehow BQ won? Like if EVERY PROVINCE besides Ontario voted for the same party...(which is the only way to get your vote heard in this country btw). That would be the funniest government ever. We would be taking English classes in all French schools. I don't even consider French to be a language let alone and Official Language. BAHAHAH!
AKA: All Canadians became Trudeau's MULES. For those of you who didn't bother to learn Canadas history (we were forced to learn the history of our own country and at least 4 -15 others depending on a persons level of education, however YOU probably only studied your own country unless you are a fellow Canadian or a member or the past British Protectorate.), Trudeau was our very controversial Prime Minister at the time.
Good luck trying to install that anywhere else...they wouldn't get away with it. The last time anything like that happened was when Hitler was in power in Germany.
Considering Westerners Voteing:
I'm surprised anyone out here in the West even bothered voteing.
Ahh, the Canadian government...they declare the new political leader before our votes are even submitted.
I hope all you other Westerners feel proud about wasteing an hour of your life on voteing.
Wouldn't it be funny if somehow BQ won? Like if EVERY PROVINCE besides Ontario voted for the same party...(which is the only way to get your vote heard in this country btw). That would be the funniest government ever. We would be taking English classes in all French schools. I don't even consider French to be a language let alone and Official Language. BAHAHAH!
I might vote BQ. If they ran a candidate in Calgary centre.

i voted for the christian heritage party.