Tis the Season
The highlight of the last couple of days has been seeing the porn that some students here at the U of C decided to make. They managed to find a girl at a bustop and get her to go back to their place and fuck them for a couple of hours...all for a pepsi. Now, I understand how disrespectful this is towards the girl, but I mean COME ON WHO DOES THAT!?
The best part was the amount of people who lined up to see this thing. It was obvious that exam stress was getting to everyone because when I went, the room was full and everyone around me was saying things like: "More people want to see this?" and "I can't believe how popular this is". When you are as stressed out as these people are, somthing as stupid as a university pr0n can really cheer you up.
It is available on the internet for all you people who don't read my journal. I'm unsure of the search criteria but I'm sure typing in University of Calgary porn would be sufficient.
I go back home on monday and I start this student teacher thing at my old highschool on tuesday. All I really wan't is a day to sleep but unforntunatly it's not going to happen. I also need to find a place that I can trick into hiring me for only three weeks as I have $300 to my name.
♥ An automatic flush urinal scared the shit out of me today. I was so lucky I wasn't in the bathroom at the time.
♥ I Have The Power
♥ I thought I broke my ipod, so I through my headphones down in anger. Then I fixed my ipod but realized I had broken my headphones...so I through my ipod down in anger...
♥ I added a Colin Hay song; "I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You" to the album, still no title.
♥ Google Maps is fucking scarey! I did what most people did when they first discovered it and tried to find my house. After that I tried to find all the places I visited in Europe. I found every single place I went to. The creepiest bit was the fact that I found the exact stone bench I sat on inside of the coliseum in Rome. I think its creepy as hell. I do have one question though...why are there no people? Search of Tokyo and you won't see a single person...
♥ I had beef taco things for dinner and now I have the sickest taco-salsa burps. Even though they are bad they are nothing to the broccoli burps I get.
♥ Google is my new spell checker.
♥ I'm going to try to convince Kevin Rose (host of the Diggnation podcast) to get a Suicidegirls account.
♥ This is how sushi bars work in Japan, it's cool: Step 1: Catch Fish Step 2: Eat Fish
♥ Everyone please watch at least 5 mins of this.
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
The highlight of the last couple of days has been seeing the porn that some students here at the U of C decided to make. They managed to find a girl at a bustop and get her to go back to their place and fuck them for a couple of hours...all for a pepsi. Now, I understand how disrespectful this is towards the girl, but I mean COME ON WHO DOES THAT!?
The best part was the amount of people who lined up to see this thing. It was obvious that exam stress was getting to everyone because when I went, the room was full and everyone around me was saying things like: "More people want to see this?" and "I can't believe how popular this is". When you are as stressed out as these people are, somthing as stupid as a university pr0n can really cheer you up.
It is available on the internet for all you people who don't read my journal. I'm unsure of the search criteria but I'm sure typing in University of Calgary porn would be sufficient.
I go back home on monday and I start this student teacher thing at my old highschool on tuesday. All I really wan't is a day to sleep but unforntunatly it's not going to happen. I also need to find a place that I can trick into hiring me for only three weeks as I have $300 to my name.

♥ An automatic flush urinal scared the shit out of me today. I was so lucky I wasn't in the bathroom at the time.
♥ I Have The Power
♥ I thought I broke my ipod, so I through my headphones down in anger. Then I fixed my ipod but realized I had broken my headphones...so I through my ipod down in anger...
♥ I added a Colin Hay song; "I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You" to the album, still no title.
♥ Google Maps is fucking scarey! I did what most people did when they first discovered it and tried to find my house. After that I tried to find all the places I visited in Europe. I found every single place I went to. The creepiest bit was the fact that I found the exact stone bench I sat on inside of the coliseum in Rome. I think its creepy as hell. I do have one question though...why are there no people? Search of Tokyo and you won't see a single person...
♥ I had beef taco things for dinner and now I have the sickest taco-salsa burps. Even though they are bad they are nothing to the broccoli burps I get.
♥ Google is my new spell checker.
♥ I'm going to try to convince Kevin Rose (host of the Diggnation podcast) to get a Suicidegirls account.
♥ This is how sushi bars work in Japan, it's cool: Step 1: Catch Fish Step 2: Eat Fish
♥ Everyone please watch at least 5 mins of this.
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Pr0n stars for Pepsi... why didn't I think of that...

Awww why not.