This is the season of outdated football jackets.
Residence at U of Calgary isn't all that bad. The rooms suck and pretty much are prison cells. The only difference is there is no slot at the bottom of our doors where the guard can slide us stale bread and water/urine (depending on how nice the guard is). No, the real nice bit is outside.
There is quite a plethora of trees outside of my building that all decided to yellow last week. Ever since then, the leaves have been dieing and falling to the ground. Believe me, there are ALOT OF LEAVES. The first thing that informs me that autumn has arrived (besides the fact that the first day is marked on the calendar) is the smell. I think this to be true with many people. Everyone loves the smell of Fall, which is sortof fucked up because its the smell of dead leaf-type-things. MMM....compost.
At the same time, all the students are going through a change. We shed the dreaded skin of isolation that we developed in days past; locked up in our caves studying for the midterms that we will, without a doubt, fail.
And then some dumbass on a lawn mower ripped by and savagly shredded my leaves and with them, my sweet sweet metaphor.
- I am sortof silly
- And now an excerpt from my essage on the Calgary Film Festival due monday:
The quiet, brooding riffs of the Montral band Godspeed You Black Emperor slowly built up the ambience in the lobby of the theater as I stood impatiently in the ever long queue for tickets. Rather than an advanced computer printed ticket complete with movie title, theater number and a perforated seam for easy tearing, I was given a plain red raffle ticket that featured no information or advertising of any kind. It was apparent that on this night, the main focus was that of the film and not the theater itself. Those responsible with organizing the festival wanted you to come back for the movies, the experience, and not the theater. It was at this point that I knew I was about to experience something great.
- I wish I was a famous photographer
- I had the option of being drunk for cheap but I opted to stay in and study. (Holy shit)
- I will brave going to bed listening to East Hastings by Godspeed You! I always do okay until the 16:16 mark and then it get all staticy and horror movie like and I get scared and turn it off
Residence at U of Calgary isn't all that bad. The rooms suck and pretty much are prison cells. The only difference is there is no slot at the bottom of our doors where the guard can slide us stale bread and water/urine (depending on how nice the guard is). No, the real nice bit is outside.
There is quite a plethora of trees outside of my building that all decided to yellow last week. Ever since then, the leaves have been dieing and falling to the ground. Believe me, there are ALOT OF LEAVES. The first thing that informs me that autumn has arrived (besides the fact that the first day is marked on the calendar) is the smell. I think this to be true with many people. Everyone loves the smell of Fall, which is sortof fucked up because its the smell of dead leaf-type-things. MMM....compost.
At the same time, all the students are going through a change. We shed the dreaded skin of isolation that we developed in days past; locked up in our caves studying for the midterms that we will, without a doubt, fail.
And then some dumbass on a lawn mower ripped by and savagly shredded my leaves and with them, my sweet sweet metaphor.
- I am sortof silly

- And now an excerpt from my essage on the Calgary Film Festival due monday:
The quiet, brooding riffs of the Montral band Godspeed You Black Emperor slowly built up the ambience in the lobby of the theater as I stood impatiently in the ever long queue for tickets. Rather than an advanced computer printed ticket complete with movie title, theater number and a perforated seam for easy tearing, I was given a plain red raffle ticket that featured no information or advertising of any kind. It was apparent that on this night, the main focus was that of the film and not the theater itself. Those responsible with organizing the festival wanted you to come back for the movies, the experience, and not the theater. It was at this point that I knew I was about to experience something great.
- I wish I was a famous photographer
- I had the option of being drunk for cheap but I opted to stay in and study. (Holy shit)
- I will brave going to bed listening to East Hastings by Godspeed You! I always do okay until the 16:16 mark and then it get all staticy and horror movie like and I get scared and turn it off
i'm going to see him on saturday.
for the second time.
no, third.
i can't wait.
oh matt good.
be still my heart.
and no be stilling of the penis!
moving of the penis!