Let your shadow fall to my feet;
greet my eyes with yours and share with me your soul.
I am on my knees, proverbially speaking.
Externally I am as calm as clouds on a windless day
Internally I am moving in waves, emotions take form of a thousand Starlings.
Your claws are eager to sink in,
Your smile, so eager to melt my ice-cold stoicism.
So why is it that your lips won't kiss,
and your teeth don't bite back?
The goose-flesh upon your ribs
and the blood upon your knife..
My fingernails upon your ribs
and your ability to take my life..
Chokeing each-other
with masochistic pleasure.
No words to express how your face..
Your eyes..
Your soul..
...How you taste to me.
If you cannot erase me -
Why won't you face me?