man i swear to fucking christ i work with the biggest group of dumbasses on the planet. my supervisor is the biggest racist, dumbass motherfucker i've ever been around. the man is literally illiterate, he can not read or write and i work for him. i should honestly be ashamed. my only friend at work is maria and she's one of the coolest people i've ever met. she completely keeps me sane at work, and is always there to pick me up when i'm down. i adore her. as you can tell i'm not happy about work right now. i'm also getting sick i felt fevery,sick to my stomach and headachy at work so i left an hour and 15 minutes early. i really hope i'm not getting sick i'm such a pussy when i'm sick.
I jsut got some bad news, but such is life that it was immediately followed by something joyous: a wonderful young man just left my house in a cab
with baby Myla.
So I'm a little overwhelmed...I'm a little angry over the bad news but elated over Myla. I need to bridge the gap and I request Sparks.
So holla I'll be back shortly.
Here's a funny: I should find the picture but along my outside-travels (HA!) tonight I bumped head long into my friend who actually introduced the name Sparks to me, I'd just never heard of this alcohol. The weird thing about running into her is she is actually from Detroit , so hey, there's some 3 degrees of Sparks for us!!! She moved to NY and was totally randomly in Philly tonight and we totally crashed into each toher on the street, how fucking WEIRD is that?! ANd I totally thanked her for "introducing me to Sparks, thank you so much" before I even asked her what the hell she was doing here!
OK LINKAGE PLEASE TO THE FLICK. I am actually sitting at my ex's house now and am about to get ready to go home, drinky and have my usual night in with SG.
The night out was very lovely--wonderful actually and not just b/c of my nice dinner date. Lots of surprises happened. I shall be back later!!!
Stay strong Sparks soldier!!!