Hey Everyone-
Hope all had a wonderful Halloween! I just love it, it's my favorite holiday. I as all pysched this year to wear a costume which one of my wonderful SG g/f's here made, yet I didn't get the opportunity. Long story, but I was helping a friend in the hospital (much more important)-oh well, there's always next year!
I think I'm going to end up putting on the costume and taking some pics, just for the hell of it, because it is SOOOO AWESOME-and I'd love to send my g/f pics of her wonderful creation. Besides, it's always fun to do something off the wall and stir up some shit, like going shopping in costume for no apparent reason, especially here where I live-where the people are all so F*CKING MUNDANE-it makes me insane!!!!!! I swear, when I left New York to relocate to this particular area in Florida, I had no clue I was about to enter the Twilight Zone!
Anyway, hope all my loves and sweethearts are doing well-I'd love to hear about your Halloween (and see pics if possible), so I can live vicariously through you at least for this year. But have no fear-I WILL BE BACK!!!!
I'm going to try and keep on top of my blogs more as well, so that everyone knows (at least the ones who care, LOL) that I'm still alive and doing fine. My biggest problem is just a bit of a love issue at the moment-but I'll work through it, I'm sure!
Miss you guys-write me! And if anyone on here has a MySpace account, write me and let me know what your URL is, so I can add you to my friends list. I'm on MySpace ALL the time. Yes, I'm a MySpace Whore, I'll admit it! LOL.
Love to you all! Talk to you soon. Big Hugz and Luscious Kisses!
Message me, love.
Hey sweetie-pie... Hope you're feeling better!! I wanted to drop by and wish you a Happy coming New Year's!!
Lotsa love and hugs,