Hey everybody, how's it going? Hope everyone is doing well. I've finally returned from the "Land of the Lost". I know I've been scarce lately. Haven't written much here, haven't written much to anyone personally, but I hope everyone can forgive and understand that I was going through a difficult time AGAIN.
You all know about the condition that I have and how I suffer with that miserable crap everyday, right? Well, a little while ago, I started experiencing some very strange things happening to me; i.e. blurred vision, everything going white and losing sight (momentarily), extreme pain from the base of my head/top of my neck-shooting in an arc across the top of my head to right behind my eye and it feels like I'm getting stabbed there with a hot poker, numbness/tingling in my limbs, hands & feet, suddenly having an eyelid involuntarily decide it wants to close and "go to sleep" and I can't open it (both eyes, but mostly the right), etc.-you get the idea, this list could go on and on. Well obviously they sent me for head tests and MRI's and today I finally got to the Neurologist, got my results and while I am worried, I am very relieved at the same time. Apparently there is a swelling around the nerves just at the base of my head, which seems to swell when I get stressed, excited, etc. and I am losing the proper flow to my brain, at different times and different places-causing all these freaky symptoms. Hopefully, it can be treated through medication, therapy and shots to the base of my head in the nerves to the brain.
So, if I seem like I've been "distant" lately, trust me, I miss each and every one of you very much, but didn't want to write for many reasons. I don't like anyone to think I"m complaining, I didn't want to worry anyone needlessly, and I really didn't want everyone to have to be asking how things were going, when everything was always the same and I didn't have any real answers for anyone. So, I hope all if forgiven-I'M BACK GUYS! And feeling a whole helluva a lot better now knowing what I'm dealing with.
So that's pretty much all that's been going on in the exciting life of Laura lately-what's been going on with everyone else? Drop me a line and let me know how all you guys are doing. I'm going to do my best now to try and drop everyone a line, at least to say Hi-but just wanted to give a general update for anyone who might give a crap, LOL!
Hey girl, how are you?!! Hope all is well lovely... Have a great weekend!!