Hiya again...
Just a quick one to let you know how things are going. This week's been pretty insane. Had a conversation with the GOD OF HELLFIRE, Arthur Brown (the crazy world of, no less..). We did his official gig shirt for his recent Astoria gig. I didn't design it, but it looked pretty good, though.

Tomorrow Im off work. Huzzah. I'm taking the new gf to North Wales, no not one of it's delightful caravan parks or grotty seaside pits. A lovely little hotel in Snowdonia National Park near to where my Mum ran a school outdoor pursuit centre near Capel Curig. I would'nt bother trying to contact me til Monday. I'd imagine if we're not out on the hills taking in the sights and fresh air, we'll be, erm. ... . . . Getting to know each other better

Love you all dudes! xXxXxXxXx

Greg/v78 @_@
I'm re-sending it today if i get the chance to get to the post or tomorrow if not!