What the hell just happened then?
Hehe... 'Normal' service may resume reasonably shortly. I'm in an exceedingly good mood! It's fookin' friday and I went to the post office to pick up a veritable PLETHORA of gifts I've bought myself. No reason why not, just I felt like cheering myself up.
1: Torment - Hypnosis SPLENDID album and quite tricky to get hold of nowadays (These guys did the BUSINESS, I'm telling you. Threw in a couple of freebees like a decent psychobilly compilation AND a Brian Setzer single. Mighty impressed was I!)
2: Samurai jack on DVD The best cartoon of the past ten years, easily. I love it loads... Now I OWN it.
3: Complete Bantam forks and front end including the elusive and eponymous RARE AS FUCK B175 headlamp brackets. I now own a complete BSA 1968 bantam, restored with NOS stock and modern(ish) electrics. I'm happy beyond all belief. Its going for a paintjob tomorrow. A decent one.
4: My DOUBLE BASS arrived at the practice rooms on wednesday! OMFG. My bandmates have seen it. I'll have to wait 'til saturday. Apparently it's beautiful. I knew that already. All set up for punk and roll... At last.
Just trying to think of anything else to tell you about. Its been an eventful week, to say the least. I'm reasonably sure I'll have forgotten something but at the moment I'm just a whirl of happy thoughts, understandably. Not entirely sure what to do next!
I think a couple of coronas are in order!
How are things with you lot? Sorry about that brief lapse into not sure what, back there. I can catagorically state I intend to stick around, at least for the near future. I have to regail you with more pointless shite that you could ever dream of. It's part of the agreement I have with the place!
Thanks for the nice comments, though. It warmed the cockles of my frosty heart, it did. I'll hopefully do a journal recce (wrecky?) very soon and return the love.
I think I'll draw this 'love in' to a close. I've got some more motorcycle assembly to organise in the cellar. Neighbours and folks are out of town and I have a stack of fuckin' rocking cds to play, very loud (Naturally!!!).
Catch you all later!
xXxX v78/Greg
Hehe... 'Normal' service may resume reasonably shortly. I'm in an exceedingly good mood! It's fookin' friday and I went to the post office to pick up a veritable PLETHORA of gifts I've bought myself. No reason why not, just I felt like cheering myself up.
1: Torment - Hypnosis SPLENDID album and quite tricky to get hold of nowadays (These guys did the BUSINESS, I'm telling you. Threw in a couple of freebees like a decent psychobilly compilation AND a Brian Setzer single. Mighty impressed was I!)
2: Samurai jack on DVD The best cartoon of the past ten years, easily. I love it loads... Now I OWN it.
3: Complete Bantam forks and front end including the elusive and eponymous RARE AS FUCK B175 headlamp brackets. I now own a complete BSA 1968 bantam, restored with NOS stock and modern(ish) electrics. I'm happy beyond all belief. Its going for a paintjob tomorrow. A decent one.
4: My DOUBLE BASS arrived at the practice rooms on wednesday! OMFG. My bandmates have seen it. I'll have to wait 'til saturday. Apparently it's beautiful. I knew that already. All set up for punk and roll... At last.
Just trying to think of anything else to tell you about. Its been an eventful week, to say the least. I'm reasonably sure I'll have forgotten something but at the moment I'm just a whirl of happy thoughts, understandably. Not entirely sure what to do next!

How are things with you lot? Sorry about that brief lapse into not sure what, back there. I can catagorically state I intend to stick around, at least for the near future. I have to regail you with more pointless shite that you could ever dream of. It's part of the agreement I have with the place!

Thanks for the nice comments, though. It warmed the cockles of my frosty heart, it did. I'll hopefully do a journal recce (wrecky?) very soon and return the love.
I think I'll draw this 'love in' to a close. I've got some more motorcycle assembly to organise in the cellar. Neighbours and folks are out of town and I have a stack of fuckin' rocking cds to play, very loud (Naturally!!!).
Catch you all later!

Samurai Jack is indeed a classic cartoon. However IMHO, best cartoon of the past ten years is easily DBZ. Or futurama, but I'm not sure if that counts.