How about that? It's high time I got rid of that marginally agro journal! hehe!
Don't worry, it's really not bothering me half as much as that journal entry was making out. Incidentally, it's totally water under the bridge as far as 'busgirl' goes! I'm still the smiling pleasant greg I am with most folks!
<- see!
What have I been up to eh? Well, besides toiling away to get the festival t-shirts done in work (for V2004 and Leeds/Reading) - None of which I'm going to as it happens - not too much. Been utterly dowsed EVERY evening as i wait for my bus home. Its like the weather's running to an itenary. Piss it down as greg is waiting for a tram. Stay chilly until 11am then get outrageously warm. Hover around 'passing out temperature til 4.30, then PISS IT DOWN again as greg leaves work and walks through the redlight zone to get bus home...
AAwww!! I went into the indoor market in Eccles for the first time in years! Theres a new record store opened run by a really ancient guy I'm sure I've met before! Anyhow, the bloke has a MARVELLOUS collection of early 60s vinyl which I will be purchasing over the next few weeks! bwahaha! However, I DID buy a good stack of Cochran and Vincent cds when I picked up the parcel I was collecting.
Other news.. I now am 'technically' the proud owner of a beautiful brand new custom double bass. Its not custom-made for me in particular, nevertheless its pretty damn special, as far as Im concerned. I havent a clue what Im going to do with it yet, but in the next week or two it should be paid off and sitting quite happily in my possession! Pics VERY soon!
Bike news? ...Nope It's still looking like a baleful pile of rust. Not for much longer, mind you!
I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing the Horrorpops on Wednesday. In fact, 'beside myself with glee' would be pretty apt. heheh.. Also found out that TIGER FRIGGING ARMY are playing Satans Hollow in January! How fookin' cool!!? Not to mention The Hangmen will be playing alongside The Hyperjax on MORE than one occasion in Manc... Should be nights to look out for!
Anyway, I think thats quite enough typing and not nearly enough SLEEPING! Aww, man. I still stink of exhaust sludge and beer. Anyone want a hug? Nah, didnt think so. Good night then! xXx
@_@ v78 Currently drifting off to 'Something Else' by Lord Cochran..
Don't worry, it's really not bothering me half as much as that journal entry was making out. Incidentally, it's totally water under the bridge as far as 'busgirl' goes! I'm still the smiling pleasant greg I am with most folks!

What have I been up to eh? Well, besides toiling away to get the festival t-shirts done in work (for V2004 and Leeds/Reading) - None of which I'm going to as it happens - not too much. Been utterly dowsed EVERY evening as i wait for my bus home. Its like the weather's running to an itenary. Piss it down as greg is waiting for a tram. Stay chilly until 11am then get outrageously warm. Hover around 'passing out temperature til 4.30, then PISS IT DOWN again as greg leaves work and walks through the redlight zone to get bus home...
AAwww!! I went into the indoor market in Eccles for the first time in years! Theres a new record store opened run by a really ancient guy I'm sure I've met before! Anyhow, the bloke has a MARVELLOUS collection of early 60s vinyl which I will be purchasing over the next few weeks! bwahaha! However, I DID buy a good stack of Cochran and Vincent cds when I picked up the parcel I was collecting.
Other news.. I now am 'technically' the proud owner of a beautiful brand new custom double bass. Its not custom-made for me in particular, nevertheless its pretty damn special, as far as Im concerned. I havent a clue what Im going to do with it yet, but in the next week or two it should be paid off and sitting quite happily in my possession! Pics VERY soon!
Bike news? ...Nope It's still looking like a baleful pile of rust. Not for much longer, mind you!
I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing the Horrorpops on Wednesday. In fact, 'beside myself with glee' would be pretty apt. heheh.. Also found out that TIGER FRIGGING ARMY are playing Satans Hollow in January! How fookin' cool!!? Not to mention The Hangmen will be playing alongside The Hyperjax on MORE than one occasion in Manc... Should be nights to look out for!
Anyway, I think thats quite enough typing and not nearly enough SLEEPING! Aww, man. I still stink of exhaust sludge and beer. Anyone want a hug? Nah, didnt think so. Good night then! xXx
@_@ v78 Currently drifting off to 'Something Else' by Lord Cochran..
can't wait to see the bass! congrats!