My sister's a nice girl. I get on really well with her. It'll be a shame she's going to hell for the events which transpired on Saturday evening... As the wildchild of the family, I no longer get surprised by the things she does and the scrapes she gets in. This one had my jaw firmly on the floor for its audacity.. 'Aquiring' a copy of The Quran from the back seat of a taxi? Oh dear! If that wasn't a last ditch attempt by a poor taxi driver to change her debauched ways, then I dread to think what horrors shes lined herself up for. Apparently, her partner in crime that evening, a NICE, non-villainous girl, overheard my sis panicking about her "eyes not functioning." and "it looks like this book has been written sideways!".
I think she's booked her ticket to the netherworld. Anyone else coming along for the ride???
In other news, The Last Samurai is MUCH better than I had been led to believe. A very good film indeed.
UPDATE: I'm starting to get sick of applying online for jobs in the design field. I've decided that they are 80% wankers. If they can't even be arsed to acknowledge when applicants have applied for their job, they can stick their industry up their bloated arses. I'm going to get a shop job and save the pennies. In a year or two I'm going to set up a business of my own. If you want decent, original design & multimedia work for what ever your devious hearts desire, you know how to find me! Don't worry, It'll be inked in and everythin'! xxxx
I hope everything is going well with you guys. See thee soon! xXxXx @_@ v78
I think she's booked her ticket to the netherworld. Anyone else coming along for the ride???
In other news, The Last Samurai is MUCH better than I had been led to believe. A very good film indeed.
UPDATE: I'm starting to get sick of applying online for jobs in the design field. I've decided that they are 80% wankers. If they can't even be arsed to acknowledge when applicants have applied for their job, they can stick their industry up their bloated arses. I'm going to get a shop job and save the pennies. In a year or two I'm going to set up a business of my own. If you want decent, original design & multimedia work for what ever your devious hearts desire, you know how to find me! Don't worry, It'll be inked in and everythin'! xxxx
I hope everything is going well with you guys. See thee soon! xXxXx @_@ v78
p.s. if = 80 % wankers, then = 20 % what?
yes... fuck em and their online applications!!
i wanna start my own business too, we should reconfer
and have high power business lunches in a Manchester pastry shop of ur choice! I just need my pin-stripe suit.....