An update is overdue...
Finally got home after a nice visit to my mates house in Widnes. It's now pitch black and raining outside. The boughs of the trees are close enough in the dry, when it rains it almost makes the buildings disappear! I don't mind either way, though, since the house is always warm and welcoming! Headed out yesterday for a pint or three with the aim of coming back the same night. hehe! Not likely. We ended up seeing a few bands in the local pub and getting somewhat worse for wear. I'm still a bit like that now, but today's been pretty fun.
Today was a little slice of my youth compressed into my current existance. We had a burger at the diner and went TEN PIN BOWLING!! I know. The last time I did that, it was for my 15th Birthday. It was much less of a shitter that I thought it was going to be. They put the rather compelling argument of "what ELSE are you going to do, if we take you back now? Sit by your computer and get all upset again??" Its a pretty good point. However, I'm not upset. Quite the opposite... The bowling was great fun. Of course, there had to be the obligatory throw whilst the pin barrier was down, but I assure you, it was an accident!
All I need now, is a trip to the flea pit to see "Batman" or "Edward Scissorhands"
I'm taking a computer I built to my little half cousin tomorrow. I haven't really seen him, since his Dad died a few weeks ago. Since then, his GRANDAD died too. He's really not having much luck, the poor little bugger..
He's a little too young to quite take in what's going on at the moment... Hopefully, a spanglin' new computer will cheer him up. I've put loads of games and tools on, so I'm hoping he won't get bored.
After I'm done there, I'm off to get me some smart new clothes to wear on the weekend. Its Rancid on Saturday. Yeah, yeah. I know they've gone a bit shite, but as long as they play some stuff from 'Out Come the Wolves' I couldn't care less. I'm pretty sure there's some good support too...
On that note. Thanks to my friends who left me lovely comments on my last journal. It's not nice being mugged, especially in a place you're not familiar with... You've all been a great help. I feel INFINITELY improved from a few days ago. You all deserve either a pint or a big sloppy
Your choice. Aw, bugger it.. You can have both, if you like..
Have a cool couple of days. If I don't update again before the weekend, "Make it a good one!"
Massive hugs xxx
@_@ v78 xxxxxxx
Finally got home after a nice visit to my mates house in Widnes. It's now pitch black and raining outside. The boughs of the trees are close enough in the dry, when it rains it almost makes the buildings disappear! I don't mind either way, though, since the house is always warm and welcoming! Headed out yesterday for a pint or three with the aim of coming back the same night. hehe! Not likely. We ended up seeing a few bands in the local pub and getting somewhat worse for wear. I'm still a bit like that now, but today's been pretty fun.
Today was a little slice of my youth compressed into my current existance. We had a burger at the diner and went TEN PIN BOWLING!! I know. The last time I did that, it was for my 15th Birthday. It was much less of a shitter that I thought it was going to be. They put the rather compelling argument of "what ELSE are you going to do, if we take you back now? Sit by your computer and get all upset again??" Its a pretty good point. However, I'm not upset. Quite the opposite... The bowling was great fun. Of course, there had to be the obligatory throw whilst the pin barrier was down, but I assure you, it was an accident!

I'm taking a computer I built to my little half cousin tomorrow. I haven't really seen him, since his Dad died a few weeks ago. Since then, his GRANDAD died too. He's really not having much luck, the poor little bugger..

After I'm done there, I'm off to get me some smart new clothes to wear on the weekend. Its Rancid on Saturday. Yeah, yeah. I know they've gone a bit shite, but as long as they play some stuff from 'Out Come the Wolves' I couldn't care less. I'm pretty sure there's some good support too...
On that note. Thanks to my friends who left me lovely comments on my last journal. It's not nice being mugged, especially in a place you're not familiar with... You've all been a great help. I feel INFINITELY improved from a few days ago. You all deserve either a pint or a big sloppy

Massive hugs xxx

Arf, arf... Do me a favour, would you? Let me know what you think of the wee Brummie band supporting Rancid (the Fight, I think they're called). I need to i nterview them during the week...
You asked if I STILL kick and throw around piles of leaves? The answer to that can be found in my candids- I uploaded a few pics from last autumn there just for your sake.