Well... This turned out to be a very fortuitous visit. It is more or less 20 years (twenty!!) since I joined SG. Reading back my old blogs and basking in the carefree naivety of my life back then, I counted two very special people I used to be close with who are sadly no longer with us. As for myself, the door opened to decadent and exhilarating sexual awakening. My swedish hometown turned out to hide a vibrant bdsm scene i have been fortunate enough to explore with a delightful german playmate. I don't know anyone on here anymore, but I will definitely take a look around and see if new friends are forthcoming... Doubtful but hopeful.


Can it really be the big one zero anniversary of setting up my profile here? Having said that, the new glossy and responsive layout is very nice. Just for old-times sake, heres how I originally remember the site looking: http://web.archive.org/web/20020602141207/http://www.suicidegirls.com/main.sg

I guess we all got the same email then. Good to see I’m not the only one who came back for a curious poke around.
Has it really been SEVEN years since I sumbled blindly into the world of SG? I think these occasional revisits get me a little perspective (and a chance to laugh at my old pics).

Well. It may be hard to believe, but I am still living the life o' riley in Stockholm. Still designing. Still doing all the things I used to do, only with...
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They brought you back too, huh?

Glad to hear Stockholm is still being good to you, matey.
Erm. Not quite sure what has happened but I appear to back... A lot has changed since I last trod the boards on this site, it seems. Not restricted to the site itself. Let's try and condense the last three or four years into a quick update...

I now live in Stockholm, Sweden. I'll get round to adjusting those profile bits soon. I work as...
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Welcome Back! yay! It seems as though a few of you have been summoned back, a friend of mine has been reactivated after 3 or so years as well! Alot has changed on this site, I m not really on it that much and well, havent done a set in YEARS as you can see.... been living life! I got married! Good to see you are doing well! kiss kiss kiss
Hey - saw you on the No friends board. My account was also reactivated by a mysterios benefactor, but I figured it was an SG marketing ploy. I did kind of miss SG though, so I'm happy enough to be back, I guess!

How's Sweden? I really want to go there one day. Where are you from origianlly?
I think this little adventure is drawing to a close... Fare thee well, folks. xxxx
im a lurker wink
Still here.....
I think it's high time I actually posted something of note here instead of just randomly popping by and noticing a whole lot of 'not very much'. Thankyou to the folk who do pass by and leave nice comments. It's people like yourselves who sustain that good sense of community the shadowy, commercial contingent would like to quash!

I've had an odd few months. I've...
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Love goggles! biggrin

It's almost the 1st of December!

Love ya,
love kiss ~Trampy
It's about time for another update.
Plenty of bits and bobs have happened since London, most of which are far too trivial to bother listing, but since very few people read my journal, here goes.

Went to a cool burlesque night in Manchester, worked, slept, ate.

Went to a great gig in Liverpool for the Matthew Street music festival. Got torrents of abuse for not...
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how are things?
awww thank you so much!!!!

how the hell are you?
Yum yum!

Hello again.
Just a very quick update to say I enjoyed seeing The Cramps an awful lot yesterday. We had a great time, although I'm not sure how much longer The Cramps will be a band. I know they've split NUMEROUS times before, but subtle (and not so subtle) hints peppered the performance.

London is officially the home of "RIP OFF BRITAIN" and...
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You should leave a load of buckets out, keep the stuff then flog it next time you're dahn sahf - they need all the water they can get down there right now apparently! wink
Lord, it's high time for an update...

I'm currently zinging through this rather furious heatwave with the thought if this lot carries on I'll par-boil myself before I get to see the FRIGGIN' Cramps at the Astoria! So excited. I do believe they've just been dispatched. On the same night I slpurged ROYALLY on tickets for VLV 07. Dear goodness, expect me to crow on...
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Well they've sort of fixed the journal thing - just click on the "All" thing next to the journals. Glad everything else is going well dude. smile
Youre BACK?? smile How fun!!! I added you back of course.
Hello All,
just a quick message to update you on my trip to the fearsome Med. Calella is a great little town just outside Barca. The Screamin' Festival was absolutely fantastic! Where else can you enjoy Santos, Omar and the Stringpoppers, the Cadillac Trio, the Four Charms AND Janis Martin? The music, dancing, hot-rods, weather, company just blew me away. It's excatly how festivals SHOULD...
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No probs smile Glad to see you're doing good.

Barcelone is such a great city...!