
I'm back.

Me ooo aaa
welcome back!
YAY! Another Journal Entry! YAY!!!!
"I peed in your pool!! YAY!!! And that's OK!!" YAY!!

Sorry, had a Special Ed moment..

Let's see.. what's new... what's new...

Past Music Obsession: Magnet
Some of the most beautiful music.. EVAR.

New Musical Obsession: Ben Gibbard.. Well, really Death Cab for Cutie... but I really dig The Postal Service as well.. but, most specifically I REALLY REALLY like...
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you peed in my pool damn!!! I love Death Cab For Cutie, you seem pretty cool just wanted to say hi.

you have a warm and wonderful smile smile
YAY! Another Journal Entry! YAY!!!!
"I peed in your pool!! YAY!!! And that's OK!!" YAY!!

Sorry, had a Special Ed moment..

Let's see.. what's new... what's new...

Past Music Obsession: Magnet
Some of the most beautiful mucis.. EVAR.

New Musical Obsession: Ben Gibbard.. Well, really Death Cab for Cutie... but I really dig The Postal Service as well.. but, most specifically I REALLY REALLY like...
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Let's see what's new in my world...


Saw APC and The Mars Volta... I hope to God I never have to sit through The Mars Volta again... Seeing APC again in June...

DCFC and Snow Patrol coming in a few weeks... Possibly loking forward to that. Supposed to go with blonde hair girl.. but with things as they are now.. I don't know.

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You are the sexiest mama on this place!

Your secret admirer
You gotta check out this pic. Great tattoo!
New Day... New Outlook...

The weather is absolutely gorgeous outside.. listening to the new Air album... makes me feeel sexie sexie...

Thinking about piercings... tattoos.. I think it's time to take the plunge. My hubby and I are pondering tattoos... A friend of ours actually does tattoo art ...so, I am going to put some thought into this.. I all ready have a design in...
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Hmm . . . piercings and tattoos, eh? Maybe we'll have to do something about that.

APC should be really great. I can't wait either! It seems like we should at least give The Mars Volta a try. If they suck, we can find something else to do! wink

You are a sexy MF! eeek ooo aaa love
What kind of satisfaction? What kind of satisfaction?

You play the innocent very well, my pretty. blackeyed

This round goes to you. But I will be back.
What a night... what a night...

For a day that started out like shit, let me tell you it turned around better than I expected... My evil plot is working,.. muwahahah...

Not only did we get to go on roller coaster rides, we ended up at a strip joint and had a blast. So good we plan to do it again and again... eeek

Now, if...
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It's one thing to be late and have an excuse.. it's another to be late and screw a bunch of people over because you were too busy chatting online. Ya know, when you say you're going to be somewhere and when people are depending on you, don't be an asshole.... And it isn't enough that I was all ready pissed.. this is just the fucking...
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Tonight I am going to see Gene Loves Jezebel... should be interesting.. actually, it's kind of embarrasing seeing some of these 80's bands trying to get back that 80's vibe...

My comment yesterday was made out of stupidity..... that's what happens in the intarweb... you put something out there that you don't think about.. and, it's out there forever... whatever
yeah i have. lamb rule live, they have a massive band, and se sings so well live, everyone is in tears at the end cause she sings with such emotion. they don get nearly enough attention as they should do
*sigh* I hope so.
I dunno... people just need to calm down.
One of the things that I love so much about this site is the PSW group. As I am a PSW. .. .and not always proud of it.. but the girls in the group are always sharing their pics and their words. It helps me to feel comfortable in my own skin. I hope things don't change.. I haven't been around long enough to really...
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You are a PSPSW! Positively Sexy PSW! love
Hi there! You applie to the SGSJ Group. We're having a BroBQ, and you're invited. It'll be a great way for the SJ crew to get to know each other better. If you'd like to come, just drop me a line in my journal. Hope you can make it.

I am updating my journal at the request of my husband.. I don't really know wha to say except that I am horny and sleep deprived...

Looking forward to a day tomorrow when i don't have to do anything or go anywhere. Maybe we will go to the beach.

Two weeks from tonight, is APC. I can't wait. And then DCFC... WOW... I get to...
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You are too cute!

I'm with ya there on the horny and sleep deprived front. It's been too long.

You are totally lucky to be going to the DCFC show with your blonde girlfriend. eeek Heading up to the intersection of Molestation Parkway and Bisexual Boulevard. biggrin

Call me and let me know how it all goes.

[Edited on Mar 23, 2004 2:14PM]