So, madness followed by more madness as the summer get crazier by the day.
I've been having a shitty time at work, people quitting means 10-14 hour days for me, little to no sleep, 6 or 7 day work weeks, and very little time for anything else.
I have two whole days off this week. One of which I'm going to use to get everything...
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I've always wanted to go to Montreal, my parents went there for their honeymoon. If you ask me I would have gone somewhere more exotic. tongue That's awesome you had a good time at the Billy Talent show. Hope you are doing well.

The month of June may just be one of the best months of this year smile
First weekend I went to this really great party with the boy, fucked about 4 different girls and three guys, in about 4 hours, new personal record!! I've never eaten so much pussy in one day.

Then the next week I got my lip pierced and my hair cut really...
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Yay for the month of June.
I have completed a lot of personal goals this month. And had a ton of fun with life in general.
Work is more awesome than I can shake a stick at. And my love and sex lives have never looked better.
The gala is today, and Im so impatient for my boy to get home so we can start...
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OW! holy shit that sucks.

I remember a week after I got my belly button pierced it got caught on my friends fishnets (don't ask how) and it hurt so much I almost fainted. Luckily it didn't rip out but ye gods would I not go near fishnets for awhile after that!! (now I only wear hoop piercings for that exact reason)

good to see you at the Gala - your hair looked awesome.
see ya soon
Ok, so I know I hardly ever fill this out, but today seems like the day.
I finally have a day off from work, I worked 8 days straight. I usually have Monday and Tuesday off, but there were jays games all this week. And I took an extra shift, so today is my only day off lol.

I work at the Hardrock cafe's in...
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Gala tomorrow!!
send us a msg or give us a call and we'll figure out timing for dinner.
Well I never really noticed I had this on here, but hello!
I guess I shall start using it
not a whole lot going on today, mostly playing Wow, and smokin my pipe smile