Yet Another great weekend
First the Pot March in Queens park on Saturday.
Got there around noon and found not a single person I new, so I just sat on a bench and rolled a few joints let people come to me, I made quite a few new friends, and smoked off of at least three people I had never met before, and shared some reg choc brownies that I had made.
I bought a nice black glass pipe and at around 2pm my younger brother found me. He had rolled a big blunt and we smoked it while he dragged me around looking for his friends.
He never found any so he left shorty before the marching started.
I never saw anyone leave the park. I must have been busy chatting with this cute girl with pink hair I met because like 30 mins after we found a good place to spread out a blanket and roll and smoke another joint we saw massive amount's of people flooding into the park.
I dunno how i missed the march, I mean it was the first one I been to but I felt stupid for missing the marching part lol.
Then I went to my Ex's new place to see how he was doing and we walked to no frills and back again. I gave him some brownies and cup cakes that i had made for him, and visited with the kitty of ours that was living with him.
Then I walked all the way from Vaughn and St clair to weston road @ st clair. I love walking downtown and living north of finch has been hell these past two months.
I only went home for about 3 hours. And then I went back downtown to Zekes for the night. my stomach has been feeling a little better lately so I drank Wine and he drank Vodka straight.
We played magic cards and had sex on and off until around 5am.
boy do I love me some magic cards and sex.
I didn't go home until around 7pm that night, we even had a shower together, jeeze I love this drug we call intimacy.
I think I have the best thing going with Z, lot of sex and fun time spent playing cards, watching movies together and cuddling/sleeping together with no strings at the end of the day.
I saw three other guys this month the only problem being that I would have rather been with Z instead
I'm trying to plan out my trip to Quebec to see my sister for the end of this month, let me know if your a night owl that will be in Montreal on Friday May 29th. My bus arrives at like 345 am and I need a place to crash until my sister is done work at like 5pm hehe

First the Pot March in Queens park on Saturday.
Got there around noon and found not a single person I new, so I just sat on a bench and rolled a few joints let people come to me, I made quite a few new friends, and smoked off of at least three people I had never met before, and shared some reg choc brownies that I had made.
I bought a nice black glass pipe and at around 2pm my younger brother found me. He had rolled a big blunt and we smoked it while he dragged me around looking for his friends.
He never found any so he left shorty before the marching started.
I never saw anyone leave the park. I must have been busy chatting with this cute girl with pink hair I met because like 30 mins after we found a good place to spread out a blanket and roll and smoke another joint we saw massive amount's of people flooding into the park.
I dunno how i missed the march, I mean it was the first one I been to but I felt stupid for missing the marching part lol.
Then I went to my Ex's new place to see how he was doing and we walked to no frills and back again. I gave him some brownies and cup cakes that i had made for him, and visited with the kitty of ours that was living with him.
Then I walked all the way from Vaughn and St clair to weston road @ st clair. I love walking downtown and living north of finch has been hell these past two months.
I only went home for about 3 hours. And then I went back downtown to Zekes for the night. my stomach has been feeling a little better lately so I drank Wine and he drank Vodka straight.
We played magic cards and had sex on and off until around 5am.
boy do I love me some magic cards and sex.
I didn't go home until around 7pm that night, we even had a shower together, jeeze I love this drug we call intimacy.
I think I have the best thing going with Z, lot of sex and fun time spent playing cards, watching movies together and cuddling/sleeping together with no strings at the end of the day.
I saw three other guys this month the only problem being that I would have rather been with Z instead

I'm trying to plan out my trip to Quebec to see my sister for the end of this month, let me know if your a night owl that will be in Montreal on Friday May 29th. My bus arrives at like 345 am and I need a place to crash until my sister is done work at like 5pm hehe