What a awesome 24 Hours it has been....
It was my first official keg party last night. Really cool guy friend of mine threw it and paid for the keg all by himself.
Unfortunately I'm not really a drinker so I only had half a beer over the whole night probably with in the first 15 minutes, and only because he put it in my hand and started pouring lols. But there were doobies to be had and lots of friends to see. I spent 10pm-1:30 am sitting on comfy couch beside my lovely Loki and her husband Moke near by with various people drifting by staying for conversations or a quick hey on the way though to the music room. A few doobies to be shared and lots of drinking to be had by everyone but me.
Among them people I knew or people I had just met all of them with something good to bring to the table conversation wise, I only remember a few brief silence's after some one would say hey good song
A male friend I will call Z
brought up some interesting conversation about sex and relationships and friends with benefits not working out for him in the past. I told him how unfortunate I thought that was as I have previous have had much success with that and Open relationships. (just got out of a 5 year relationship that was open for 3.5 out of 5 years).
Moke and Loki went home around 130 and I was starting to notice how drunk people were, spills all over every floor in every room on the main floor.
People were puking in the sink and finding rest in upstairs bedrooms, a friend of ours who is a mother and I took charge taking care of the sick and I cleaned up after unwilling guests with pleasure for a host who was to busy having fun. I am such a nerd that I even ran the dish washer and cleaned up after people who had helped themselves to rice and Chillie that had been in the cubbard.
Not to long after that my lovely host Deaves started the BBQ and put on some sausage and wasn't sure how long it would take them to cook.
I set a timer on my cell phone to remind myself to check and see how they were doing before too long.
When I got out there with tongs I brought from his kitchen they were almost fully cooked all on one side and starting to get burn marks and pretty much perfect timing on my part I must say I went out a little later and brought them in, turning the bbq off for safety of course
So at 3 am we sat in the kitchen at ate big honk'en sausages and then there was none left and time to clean up again as everyone left happy and drunk
We passed around a pipe for a while and argued over what music to put on next. 5 or more people had Ipod, iphone or psp various music machine hooked up to a computer hooked up to a kicked sound system blasted out to the front porch where ciggerette smoking would be allowed. It was much warmer out there than the back yard tho you could still find some people out there every now and again. Wishing to escape the noise or seeking privacy. At some point my host dissapeard upstairs wit his super hottie of a GF.
I made sure to call dibbs on the bedroom that was on the second floor as those on the third had two beds in each and there was already some one passed out in each lolz, we were checking in on them every now and again, what alcohol does to me makes me terribly scared that people could get posioning and so I just checked to make sure they were still alive and kicking.
I then went downstairs to the basement to to see what it was like down stairs where the keg was it had been getting water on the floor all night because it was warm down there and they had it in a garbage in an icy bath to keep it nice and cool. I put a few new towels down, grabbed a few empty cups and heard some people talking about how nasty the bathroom down there had become. I made a mental note to put a do not enter sign on it but forgot later completely.
I told them there was one upstairs, my friend Z asked me to show him up there, so I did
He rambled about my Ex at the top of the stairs, they had gone to school together and he was very shocked to find out that we had split as were most people I hadn't seen in a while but were still good friends so I shrugged it of and stood casually against the wall for all of 2 minutes before he started to kiss me. He even asked for permission boy how funny was that??
After a few minutes of that fun I headed down stairs and told him he was up here to use the washroom lol.
We talked some more when he got back down stairs and we parted ways.
I participated in a passed out random friend of a friend getting drawn on, waken up and then taken pictures with before he noticed he was covered in stripes all over his face. It was great fun and I really hope to see the pics soon, I made sure to give my email to the guy who took the pic, and I got one of my own on my cell phone I'll post later with the other once I have slept some more and re install this stupid cell phones media center grr.
It was now getting close to 4am and it was getting pretty cold in the house smokers left the door wide open and the front window was wide open to allow for easy listening to the tunes being blasted in the front room.
I positioned myself on the lone chair by the window, and then started closing it until it was only open like 1 foot or less. Z was in the room and sparing with a Mexican man who's name I never got but who had Marlboro's smokes from the states that people were interested in. they were knocking over drinks and stepping on the music wire's and I took all the drinks to the kitchen. Put the wires in a better place and told them to take it outside, they ignored me but they stopped knocking into stuff at least and broke it up not to long after. Mexican man left the room and Z and a few others and I sat around listening to music for a while talking about nirvana and random remixes that we feel Courtney Love should be shot for allowing them to make haha
I started to redo the laces of my sexy socks and seem to have caught Z's attention once again
He asked me what time I had to be home at, and how I was getting home. I told him I was staying over, that in fact I had the master bed room. He asked me if he could stay over with me and I told him it should be very clear what my answer was if he thought HARD about it, because he had a boner and I think I was not the only one to notice, not to mention someone was within 5 feet of this conversation.
He said "In that case I think I'd like to stay then." I said good, smiled at him and went about checking on the sick and cleaning up in random places.
I found a girl crashing on the couch downstairs who wasn't feeling the best. She asked me for pretzels and I told her I would get her some water to. I brought them to her and was satisfied that I had earned my fun for the night
I went back downstairs to the Music room where Z was and around 530 he said wanna head upstairs?
I was like yea but I'm gonna head to the bathroom first.
My hosts GF was in there and when she came out I told her I was going to bed, where and who the sick/passed out people were and that there was still about 5 people drinking and playing music in the front room.
Later I was told everyone who wasn't staying got kicked out shortly there after. It was sooooooo late but it had been a great party.
I headed to the bedroom to find a eager Z and we got down. We had sex for at least an hour and then went to smoke a doobie and he had a cigg on the porch before going to bed for about 4 hours.
My host was up around 10 and I got up around 45 minutes later from the noise of others in the rooms upstairs get up and going home.
I made scrambled eggs for everyone but myself, my stomach was feeling foul from the half a beer I had and little sleep so I just had some left over ginger ale from the fridge, cleaned up the mess and joined Z my host and his GF at the table for a nice meal
Shortly after breakfast we played with the snake they have and I was getting ready to catch the bus to go home. I asked Z if he would like to walk me to the bus stop. He said we should go back to his place instead as it was empty for the weekend. I couldn't resist and spent a good potion of the day fucking and trying to watch Land of the Dead that I had never seen and was really good.
I went home sometime around 8pm Saturday and felt like a million bucks.
I seriously needed this and its a great start to my newly found single status
Happy Easter weekend to anyone celebrating btw.
It was my first official keg party last night. Really cool guy friend of mine threw it and paid for the keg all by himself.
Unfortunately I'm not really a drinker so I only had half a beer over the whole night probably with in the first 15 minutes, and only because he put it in my hand and started pouring lols. But there were doobies to be had and lots of friends to see. I spent 10pm-1:30 am sitting on comfy couch beside my lovely Loki and her husband Moke near by with various people drifting by staying for conversations or a quick hey on the way though to the music room. A few doobies to be shared and lots of drinking to be had by everyone but me.
Among them people I knew or people I had just met all of them with something good to bring to the table conversation wise, I only remember a few brief silence's after some one would say hey good song

A male friend I will call Z

Moke and Loki went home around 130 and I was starting to notice how drunk people were, spills all over every floor in every room on the main floor.
People were puking in the sink and finding rest in upstairs bedrooms, a friend of ours who is a mother and I took charge taking care of the sick and I cleaned up after unwilling guests with pleasure for a host who was to busy having fun. I am such a nerd that I even ran the dish washer and cleaned up after people who had helped themselves to rice and Chillie that had been in the cubbard.
Not to long after that my lovely host Deaves started the BBQ and put on some sausage and wasn't sure how long it would take them to cook.
I set a timer on my cell phone to remind myself to check and see how they were doing before too long.
When I got out there with tongs I brought from his kitchen they were almost fully cooked all on one side and starting to get burn marks and pretty much perfect timing on my part I must say I went out a little later and brought them in, turning the bbq off for safety of course

So at 3 am we sat in the kitchen at ate big honk'en sausages and then there was none left and time to clean up again as everyone left happy and drunk

I made sure to call dibbs on the bedroom that was on the second floor as those on the third had two beds in each and there was already some one passed out in each lolz, we were checking in on them every now and again, what alcohol does to me makes me terribly scared that people could get posioning and so I just checked to make sure they were still alive and kicking.
I then went downstairs to the basement to to see what it was like down stairs where the keg was it had been getting water on the floor all night because it was warm down there and they had it in a garbage in an icy bath to keep it nice and cool. I put a few new towels down, grabbed a few empty cups and heard some people talking about how nasty the bathroom down there had become. I made a mental note to put a do not enter sign on it but forgot later completely.
I told them there was one upstairs, my friend Z asked me to show him up there, so I did

He rambled about my Ex at the top of the stairs, they had gone to school together and he was very shocked to find out that we had split as were most people I hadn't seen in a while but were still good friends so I shrugged it of and stood casually against the wall for all of 2 minutes before he started to kiss me. He even asked for permission boy how funny was that??
After a few minutes of that fun I headed down stairs and told him he was up here to use the washroom lol.
We talked some more when he got back down stairs and we parted ways.
I participated in a passed out random friend of a friend getting drawn on, waken up and then taken pictures with before he noticed he was covered in stripes all over his face. It was great fun and I really hope to see the pics soon, I made sure to give my email to the guy who took the pic, and I got one of my own on my cell phone I'll post later with the other once I have slept some more and re install this stupid cell phones media center grr.
It was now getting close to 4am and it was getting pretty cold in the house smokers left the door wide open and the front window was wide open to allow for easy listening to the tunes being blasted in the front room.
I positioned myself on the lone chair by the window, and then started closing it until it was only open like 1 foot or less. Z was in the room and sparing with a Mexican man who's name I never got but who had Marlboro's smokes from the states that people were interested in. they were knocking over drinks and stepping on the music wire's and I took all the drinks to the kitchen. Put the wires in a better place and told them to take it outside, they ignored me but they stopped knocking into stuff at least and broke it up not to long after. Mexican man left the room and Z and a few others and I sat around listening to music for a while talking about nirvana and random remixes that we feel Courtney Love should be shot for allowing them to make haha
I started to redo the laces of my sexy socks and seem to have caught Z's attention once again

He asked me what time I had to be home at, and how I was getting home. I told him I was staying over, that in fact I had the master bed room. He asked me if he could stay over with me and I told him it should be very clear what my answer was if he thought HARD about it, because he had a boner and I think I was not the only one to notice, not to mention someone was within 5 feet of this conversation.
He said "In that case I think I'd like to stay then." I said good, smiled at him and went about checking on the sick and cleaning up in random places.
I found a girl crashing on the couch downstairs who wasn't feeling the best. She asked me for pretzels and I told her I would get her some water to. I brought them to her and was satisfied that I had earned my fun for the night

I went back downstairs to the Music room where Z was and around 530 he said wanna head upstairs?
I was like yea but I'm gonna head to the bathroom first.
My hosts GF was in there and when she came out I told her I was going to bed, where and who the sick/passed out people were and that there was still about 5 people drinking and playing music in the front room.
Later I was told everyone who wasn't staying got kicked out shortly there after. It was sooooooo late but it had been a great party.
I headed to the bedroom to find a eager Z and we got down. We had sex for at least an hour and then went to smoke a doobie and he had a cigg on the porch before going to bed for about 4 hours.
My host was up around 10 and I got up around 45 minutes later from the noise of others in the rooms upstairs get up and going home.
I made scrambled eggs for everyone but myself, my stomach was feeling foul from the half a beer I had and little sleep so I just had some left over ginger ale from the fridge, cleaned up the mess and joined Z my host and his GF at the table for a nice meal

Shortly after breakfast we played with the snake they have and I was getting ready to catch the bus to go home. I asked Z if he would like to walk me to the bus stop. He said we should go back to his place instead as it was empty for the weekend. I couldn't resist and spent a good potion of the day fucking and trying to watch Land of the Dead that I had never seen and was really good.
I went home sometime around 8pm Saturday and felt like a million bucks.
I seriously needed this and its a great start to my newly found single status
Happy Easter weekend to anyone celebrating btw.