thankful for the fact that i know my ex-girlfriend is an absolute douche.

oh, and pumpkin pie.
why is being single so miserable? i'm not suited for this bullshit. when you get super used to having someone there to cuddle and whine to about everything...the cat just doesn't seem as appealing. sorry anzai.
Enjoy the cat. I'm hangin with houseplants.
I'm back...girlfriendless for the first time in two and a half years.
So I've had a girlfriend for almost two months now. I completely angsted about this girl for months and now we're, like, happy. And I'm not used to being happy all the time. It's a nice change.

...I hate how I let myself get emotionally involved in shit.

And then I'm totally let down. And I have to have a little pouting time. Sometimes a little crying time. Sometimes a little suicidal time.

I hate girls and I'm never ever looking at one again.
Well, although I am a girl and you may not want to look at me, I do feel your pain.

I have a habit of getting emotionally involved myself, too frown
Okay. When the girl you have a crush on sends you a spam myspace comment for free ringtones...it's time to move the hell on.

It made me laugh, and then it made me sad, and then I had a sandwich.

I am fantastic at picking all the wrong girls to lust after and it's fucking depressing.

More importantly...I finally have money for my industrial. It's pathetic how much money piercings are.

The semester's almost over, I'll be able to breathe again after next week.

With so much drama in the LBC...

and so little going on here.

I have to plot new piercings, I think it'll make me less bored.
thnx for the add, rock on
Thank you for showing love on my new set! xxxx
Red bull tastes like if death was addictive.

Well I'm happy to be your friend, and ya don't seem like a loser to me. Isn't this the best site ever? If ya wanna talk sometime, let me know. I have AIM and a telephone. TTYL