Hey hey.
Another blog was due I think. I'm getting really slack and I must apologise.
I'm actually considering ending my membership on here. I mean, I love hot, naked, tattooed chicks, but I find that I don't visit this site often enough to form online friendships and it kinda sucks. The sad and unfortunate thing is that I spend a lot of time on Myspace
I have splendid news...my life has been really awesome lately. I used to be depressed all of the time (maybe it was just a teenage angst kind of thing) but lately I've felt pretty damn good.
Okay..these have been the highlights of my life lately:
No. 1
Another blog was due I think. I'm getting really slack and I must apologise.
I'm actually considering ending my membership on here. I mean, I love hot, naked, tattooed chicks, but I find that I don't visit this site often enough to form online friendships and it kinda sucks. The sad and unfortunate thing is that I spend a lot of time on Myspace
I have splendid news...my life has been really awesome lately. I used to be depressed all of the time (maybe it was just a teenage angst kind of thing) but lately I've felt pretty damn good.
Okay..these have been the highlights of my life lately:
No. 1
No. 2
And least but definitely not last...
I hope everyone else has been just as happy as I have been.
good luck with the band