Time for another blog entry I think...
*Updating reader with Vampiress' current life situation...*
I have now...
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Finished High school classes forever! My last day was Tuesday. I shortened my winter uniform to a mini skirt and wore cute knee high skull socks (nothing too exciting). We spent the day running amok and signing each other's shirts/dresses etc. On Tuesday night I got completely smashed and ran around in my knickers.
New possible career path includes...
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Something to do with studying 'Criminology' at Uni next year. I haven't really looked into possible jobs yet, but the course looks extremely interesting. I'm hoping to major in both Criminology and Psychology at this stage. We'll see.
I also have to find a part-time job for over the Summer holidays, but I have no idea where or how I'm going to get one. I would love to become a 'Morgue Attendant', I'm really keen in also looking into that.
I'm so happy that I...
Once exams are over, I want to...
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Learn some computer languages. I'm really interested in learning how to write and understand HTML and XHTML and then moving onto Java and C++. I'm extremely keen to learn, I'll just have to see if I'm actually capable of doing it. I think I'm becoming more of a geek every day.
Here is a picture of geek-girl herself...
I hope you all have a great week!
Best of luck with collage and the double major.
I'm working on Psych and law
The End