One of my rats got out of her cage while I was cleaning it. I can't find her anywhere now. I left some food, bedding, and a big cardboard tube in her carrying cage. I hope she comes home tonight. I'm really worried about her. She's really shy and so I'm worried she might not be daring enough to find her way home. I really just wish I knew where she was. I want to hear a sneeze, some movement, anything to indicate she's okay.
I guess I shouldn't worry too much. I've had my rats run loose dozens of times and they've been fine. But this is the first time this particular rat has been out on her own.
I don't know what to do right now. I think I'll probably stay up for another hour or two to see if she comes back
I guess I shouldn't worry too much. I've had my rats run loose dozens of times and they've been fine. But this is the first time this particular rat has been out on her own.

damn, im sure she'll come out eventually if not by now. i had a rat a few years ago.. named Kun Dun. i didnt keep him in a cage ever... which is kinda gross i know, but he always just pooed under the couch. and used to collect things and put them on the frisbee under the couch. one time i accidently left a bit on the bee and he ate a dime... lil fucker!