HOly craps it's been forever since I've written a blog entry! So..here's whats going on in my life...
I've been going to school at community college this semester. I decided after falling into old bad habits last semester that it'd be best to take a break from my degree for a semester but I still need school so I can get health insurance. I pretty much hate my classes right now (they're all business classes and I'm a bio major. I don't know what possessed me to take business...). The good thing is I'm getting all A's and whatever so it's pretty easy. I can't wait til next semester when I go back to Stony Brook and work on my bio degree some more. I'm such a science freak
In other news, I turned 21 last monday
Now I can drink (legally). woohoo! My boyfriend got us tickets to six flags for a present so we're going away this weekend which will be fun.
Well, that's all the news I can think of for now. Hope everyone is having a fabulous day
Oh. and my hair is now green with blue streaks. I'll have to post an updated picture later. the one I have up now is almost a year old.
I've been going to school at community college this semester. I decided after falling into old bad habits last semester that it'd be best to take a break from my degree for a semester but I still need school so I can get health insurance. I pretty much hate my classes right now (they're all business classes and I'm a bio major. I don't know what possessed me to take business...). The good thing is I'm getting all A's and whatever so it's pretty easy. I can't wait til next semester when I go back to Stony Brook and work on my bio degree some more. I'm such a science freak

In other news, I turned 21 last monday

Well, that's all the news I can think of for now. Hope everyone is having a fabulous day

Oh. and my hair is now green with blue streaks. I'll have to post an updated picture later. the one I have up now is almost a year old.
I uploaded a recent picture of me (taken moments ago actually...) but I didn't set it as my default pic cause I"m too lazy to try and figure that out right now. Take a look though. my hairs are pretty 

Well.. I'm still online a lot more than I should be, so if you ever wanna chat just say hello
And happy belated birthday!!