hey everyone! I'm on an SG kick again so I'll be writing posts more often I'm sure. Topic of today's post : finding a job.
I've been working part time at my mom's office part time. I make about $120 a week and we all know where most of that money goes... So I've been looking for a full time job for the past month or two.
I applied to Border's and have had two interviews there so far. They told me they'll call me back in a week or two. Only sucky part is I'd have to dye my hair a normal color if I work there
I'd also have to cover up all my tattoos.
So today I went down to the mall (:;puke:
because I thought maybe I could get a job at Spencers or Hot Topic and they wouldn't make me change my appearance. Well, Hot Topic isn't hiring and Spencers, believe it or not, drug tests their employees. At least thats what it said on the application.
So yeah. I guess that's my life right now. I'd like the job at border's cause I'd get to serve coffee, but dying my hair is gonna suck. Wish me luck kids!
I've been working part time at my mom's office part time. I make about $120 a week and we all know where most of that money goes... So I've been looking for a full time job for the past month or two.
I applied to Border's and have had two interviews there so far. They told me they'll call me back in a week or two. Only sucky part is I'd have to dye my hair a normal color if I work there

So today I went down to the mall (:;puke:

So yeah. I guess that's my life right now. I'd like the job at border's cause I'd get to serve coffee, but dying my hair is gonna suck. Wish me luck kids!
If you're still looking, good luck with your job search. Please update and let us know how you're making out.