Snakes on a Plane is the best motherfuckin movie I have ever seen!!!!!!!
Go see it!!!
I went w/ my friends Jackie (who's leaving for boot camp next week
) and Melissa and we sat in the fancy $13 theater where they have comfy chairs and waiters. I never actually went there before, so I ordered a diet pepsi just to feel special ^_^ The movie went above and beyond my already high expectations. It was AMAZING!!!
Anyway, with Jackie leaving soon we've decided that the next few days should be filled with alcohol and penises(for her at least). Yaaaay binge drinking!!!!!!
Go see it!!!
I went w/ my friends Jackie (who's leaving for boot camp next week

Anyway, with Jackie leaving soon we've decided that the next few days should be filled with alcohol and penises(for her at least). Yaaaay binge drinking!!!!!!
I was really afraid of that too, but it's hilarious!!! As long as you enjoy watching people get killed and suffer excruciating pain.
Any movie with Samuel L. Jackson is good. I will see it when I get home next week