So, a few days ago my dad realized that some birds had made a nest in a hole in the side of the roof. He was going to patch up the hole but there were eggs in the nest, so he didn't. Well, they started hatching on Tuesday so we've been hearing these cute little chirping noises (though we can't see them). Today my mom wanted to go outside and see if she could see the nest. She pointed out an eggshell on the ground and then we noticed there was what appeared to be a baby bird. It had ants crawling all over it and looked bloodied up a bit. We assumed it was dead, but when we looked closer, it was still breathing! So I wrapped it in a paper towel and kept him warm while my dad got a ladder. He started squirming around a bit while he was in my hands. It was so cute and it made me happy
We got him back into the nest by putting him on a long wooden spoon and letting him climb out. Oh. And I named him Filbert while I was talking to him. He is officially the youngest animal I have ever seen, as we think he was just born today. eee!
Baby starlings

Baby starlings