First of all, Thank you to the three wonderful kiddies who commented on my last entry ^_^ that was really nice of you and made me feel quite a bit better. ::hugs::
Secondly, if all goes according to plan supriseyourdead and I will be getting our random tattoo's on Thurday. I'm thinking of getting something on my wrist to cover up some little scars. I think the ones on my left wrist are two big to hide, but my right wrist should work. I'm thinking of getting a stylized heart or something. don't know yet though. Suggestions are welcome.
Secondly, if all goes according to plan supriseyourdead and I will be getting our random tattoo's on Thurday. I'm thinking of getting something on my wrist to cover up some little scars. I think the ones on my left wrist are two big to hide, but my right wrist should work. I'm thinking of getting a stylized heart or something. don't know yet though. Suggestions are welcome.