life is being life right now. quite busy. quite confident. quite scard.
got alot on my plate to focus on but it's all great things. i'm just going to live my life to the fullest by my way, all the while still staying focused on very important people.
i've been seeing my family alot more and been real close with a certain someone
. i'll be responsible but i''ll still make sure i enjoy my young life while i still have it. i have too much to lose and i'm not going to fuck any of it up.
i wish i could freeze time.
of course i'll never stop worrying or caring for the very special ones in my life, i'm a fucking leo
, lol.. but right now is a great growing point for me and i'll prove that making it past two months was not a fluke and was because of a reason.
got alot on my plate to focus on but it's all great things. i'm just going to live my life to the fullest by my way, all the while still staying focused on very important people.
i've been seeing my family alot more and been real close with a certain someone

i wish i could freeze time.

of course i'll never stop worrying or caring for the very special ones in my life, i'm a fucking leo

ahah... you mentioned the dreaded "two month curse" funny
and we haven't watched nbc because i have a.d.d. and an o.c.d. with spending so much time on the p.c.
heh. abbreviations rock.
i'm done pimping out my shit for the night... i'm going to get off the damn demon box and go read or something.