Little kids haven't learned a) what information is appropriate to convey or b) how to convey it. Yesterday I found out that I look like an actor, and not just any actor, but the actor who plays Prince Charming in Ella Enchanted (see footnote 1). This happens to be Hugh Dancy, in fact (see footnote 2). While I was getting my bearings, trying to figure out how to handle such flattery from a 10-year-old, I learned that Hugh Dancy is, in fact, kind of ugly. So now, while I am reeling from wondering whether I should be cut to the quick, the situation evolves rapidly (and bizarrely), keeping me off balance. It is revealed that it is in fact my shirt (which is a completely nondescript white broadcloth Oxford) looks just like the shirt worn by Hugh Dancy in the scene right after he fights an ogre (see footnote 3). Actually, if it had big bloodstains and a bunch of cuts in it, it would look just like the shirt worn by Hugh Dancy, who is ugly, in the movie Ella Enchanted, right after he has a sword fight with an ogre.
Man, I'm glad I spent six minutes of my life finding that out.
On an unrelated note, the Black Lips were awesome, and Fluxy is happy about getting to shove people around.
The motto of Chapel Hill should be meretriculae et lavatri vaginarum.
1. I had never heard of it, either.
2. I looked it up.
3. Or something? Details of the movie contained herein are of suspect origin (a babbling 5th grader) and will probably remain unverified by me.
Man, I'm glad I spent six minutes of my life finding that out.
On an unrelated note, the Black Lips were awesome, and Fluxy is happy about getting to shove people around.
The motto of Chapel Hill should be meretriculae et lavatri vaginarum.
1. I had never heard of it, either.
2. I looked it up.
3. Or something? Details of the movie contained herein are of suspect origin (a babbling 5th grader) and will probably remain unverified by me.
I just noticed you're back. I missed your blog. So much so I went back to college to listen to smart people. However I am stupid so it will take another year to finish. But welcome back.
Dude, make with the words here! This site is wanting for the level of discourse you would bring. Don't be like your sister.