survived snowklahoma 2011.1
snowklahoma 2011.2 will likely cause more problems, for a number of reasons. one, the grocery stores are still out of everything that people stockpiled before the first round. good luck finding windshield washer fluid, ice-melt, sidewalk salt, velveeta, or eggs at any of the local grocery stores. admittedly, the velveeta shortage probably has more to do with the super bowl than with snowklahoma. two, oklahomans are getting bored with the snow and stir crazy. three, oklahomans are getting cocky about their snow-handling abilities, and lots of people who probably shouldn't be out will try to get out and cause wrecks and/or get stuck.
snowklahoma 2011.2 will likely cause more problems, for a number of reasons. one, the grocery stores are still out of everything that people stockpiled before the first round. good luck finding windshield washer fluid, ice-melt, sidewalk salt, velveeta, or eggs at any of the local grocery stores. admittedly, the velveeta shortage probably has more to do with the super bowl than with snowklahoma. two, oklahomans are getting bored with the snow and stir crazy. three, oklahomans are getting cocky about their snow-handling abilities, and lots of people who probably shouldn't be out will try to get out and cause wrecks and/or get stuck.