Hey pals!
So this week's blog homework (I've missed a bunch, I am the worst), set by @rambo @missy and @lyxzen is basically just a short Christmas list!
Which is super cause Christmas is just around the corner.
It's probably not a coincidence...
Before I get started, let me just tell you right now that I am definitely a 'things' person.
I love stuff.
You'd just need to look into my room to see how much I like having stuff.
I absolutely hate getting gifts.
Christmas is slightly easier because everyone is getting presents but birthdays are horrifying.
I feel so uncomfortable when everyone is staring down the table at me while I unwrap their present, trying to remember to keep a pleasant look on my face, trying to remember who actually gave it to me, trying to stop my cheeks burning hotter than the fires of Mordor....
Oh my goodness that's just stress central.
I'm definitely more of an effort/experience kind of person when it comes to gifts.
Thus I present to you, my Christmas list!
1. Take me somewhere.
I'm not talking like a flight to Fiji with a stay in a 5 star resort and daiquiris on the beach.
I'm talking like take me to the park, chill on a blanket with me and listen to me ramble on about books for hours or take me to a cool rainforest and go exploring. (I refuse to call it hiking cause that means exercise.)
OR CAMPING. I love camping so much..
Or if you're feeling a bit more fancy, take me to see a theatre production or musical.
I'd love that.
I would also love daiquiris on the beach though, just a heads up..
2. Something home made.
I've been spending so much time sewing recently and it just always seems to pop into my mind how much I'd love for someone to spend that much time on something for me.
Even if it's food..
Especially if it's food!
Anyone can buy something; putting in time and effort for me means the most.
Learning to make or cook something for someone is so endearing to me.
That person is literally spending time they will never get back on you, and that's way more meaningful than a fancy present.
3. Photos.
So sad story.
I've never really had a heap of friends that take photos with me, so most of my high-school years are pretty much undocumented.
Save for some embarrassing photos from my scene phase...
I've only really just recently started getting photos with my friends and honestly, they're some of my favourite things in my room.
Capturing those moments, even if they're just small seemingly meaningless ones, is so so important now that everything is online.
My mum has boxes of photos from when I was a baby and in comparison my life is empty.
I sound like such a nanna, my sewing is really taking its toll on me.
But seriously, boom, here's a sneaky photo of that time we went to the beach or boom, here's a picture of some scenery from when we went camping.
Such a small thing, but so many memories to be constantly relived.
4. One way trip to Brisbane and a sweet house to live in + unlimited funds.
I think I fell in love with a city..
Also, friendly reminder that my debut set is out in a month!
How scary and exhilarating!