Hey everyone.. I havent posted in forever so here I go...hmm I had a good thanksgiving, I got to have two dinners one the day before with my fiance's family and one with mine the day of. I started my phlebotomy course the beginning of December and I passed the class section now Im waiting to take my week of internship and state test... my school is lagging on getting back to us with the dates and place to where we go for the week. Anyways.. Christmas Eve and Christmas was awesome.. Christmas eve after I got off work I went to my parents house and had dinner and opened gifts. My brother and my sister in law came by and brought their nintendo wii, so I had fun with that until I got smacked in the hand so hard I thought I freakin broke a bone. haha Christmas was pretty good to me this year even though I was in the spririt this year I dont know why.. the weather didnt feel christmasy and time went by so fast I wasnt prepared. But my parents gave me 50 bucks to Kohls and my fiances parents got me a new cd player for my car so I was excited about that. I havent have a stereo in my car for almost a year or more now since it got jacked in beauty school.. so thank God I dont have to rock out to my blinker anymore hah ...jk Anyways I think I rambled on enough. I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and New years!!!!

yeah that was probably me.. i think isee you there too every once in a while.