This weeks blog homework was to write about your favorite scent. I tried to think of something other than sautéing onions and garlic, but nothing came to mind! So I thought I'd catch up a bit and use a past topic from before I became a hopeful! I found "what is your favorite tattoo?" And what better than tattoos??!!! ♡ I have been collecting my...
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I awoke this morning to look out my window and see SNOW. Can any explain to me why its snowing the day before the official first day of spring?? Were supposed to get about 6 inches of snow by tonight! Now personally, i dont exactly believe the whole global warming crisis actually exists. But there definitely has to be something! So far the weather in...
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This is my first ever blog homework! This weeks topic is my favorite tv show! Thats such a tough choice! I love so many! Classics from ER to Friends or dramas like Sons of Anarchy! I guess if i had to pick just one, id go with Its always sunny in Philadelphia! I think its absolutely hilarious! Ive seen every episode and i can say...
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