Once again I suck at blogs. I haven't been coming on here very often and I haven't put any effort into posting pics like I say I will.my newest ste went into mr and I didn't even know untill 2 days later but I'm really happy with the response its getting! My bf and I just unofficialy bought a house...I need to sign the papers when I get back into town. I'm in santa monica for a few more days for work. I love it here and can't believe how nice it is here. I will try again to be better at this. Happy Holidays and keep showing my sets some love, it makes me feel cool

you're sets are fannytastic
and you deserve all happiness and a nice little house with your lucky MF BF
i believe the key to blogs is fewer words
more mystery
and leave them with a question
what do you think?
Great set, btw!