i am:
molten and yellowing
chock-filled with dumb luck
sticky in places i should be dry
most alive where i'm bruised
trying to love what's not in bloom
pretending to know things i have no idea about
haphazard and cracked
blindly hopeful and jaded
fat with passion
ungracefully orchestrated and layered with scar
sadly moralized by the negative
mostly unbelievable
sick of flossing
happily remote
an idiot's poet
mother nature's detour
a happy guy stuck with the heart of a sad punk
scared of losing everything
scared of finding nothing
wedged in redundancy
molten and yellowing
chock-filled with dumb luck
sticky in places i should be dry
most alive where i'm bruised
trying to love what's not in bloom
pretending to know things i have no idea about
haphazard and cracked
blindly hopeful and jaded
fat with passion
ungracefully orchestrated and layered with scar
sadly moralized by the negative
mostly unbelievable
sick of flossing
happily remote
an idiot's poet
mother nature's detour
a happy guy stuck with the heart of a sad punk
scared of losing everything
scared of finding nothing
wedged in redundancy
that's all the group is really for anyways. so if you don't like/can't come to stuff... being a member ain't gonna do you any good.